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The lightness of their café conversation lingered in Ruhi's heart as she strolled beside Shivansh through the busy Mumbai streets. For a moment, it felt as though they had returned to the days when their friendship was carefree, untainted by the weight of unsaid feelings and unspoken fears. But as the sun dipped below the horizon and the city lights began to flicker on, the warmth from earlier faded, replaced by the cold reminder of what still lay between them-Ruhi's sudden departure and the reasons behind it.

They reached Shivansh's car, and the silence between them grew heavier. The unspoken truths that Ruhi had tried to bury now seemed to scream at her, demanding to be heard. She could feel Shivansh's eyes on her, searching for answers she wasn't sure she was ready to give.

"Ruhi," Shivansh finally spoke, his voice soft yet firm, "we need to talk about what happened. You left without a word. I deserve to know why."

Ruhi froze, her heart beating faster. She had known this conversation was coming, but that didn't make it any easier. She looked away, trying to steady herself. "Shiv, I-"

"No more avoiding it, Ruhi." Shivansh's tone was gentle but unwavering. He stepped closer, his presence grounding her as much as it overwhelmed her. "I need to understand. If we're going to move forward, we can't keep pretending that everything's fine when it's not."

Ruhi swallowed hard, feeling the weight of her fears press down on her chest. She turned to face him, her eyes meeting his. "I was scared, Shiv. Scared of what loving you meant. I've lost people before, people I loved. And the thought of losing you..." Her voice cracked. "It felt unbearable. So, I ran."

Shivansh's face softened, the tension in his body easing as he took in her words. "Ruhi, you don't have to protect me from that. You don't have to carry that fear alone." He reached out, gently cupping her face in his hands. "We'll face it together. Whatever happens, we'll face it."

Ruhi closed her eyes, leaning into his touch. The warmth of his hands on her skin, the steadiness in his voice, it all made her feel safe-safer than she had felt in a long time. But the fear still lingered, gnawing at her heart. "I don't know if I can, Shiv. What if I lose you?"

Shivansh's eyes bore into hers, filled with a depth of emotion that took her breath away. "You won't lose me, Ruhi. I'm not going anywhere. We've been through too much to let fear tear us apart now."

For a moment, they stood there in the quiet of the night, the sounds of the city fading into the background. It was just the two of them, facing the shadows that had haunted their love for too long.

"I'm here," Shivansh whispered, his thumb brushing away a stray tear that had fallen down her cheek. "And I'm not giving up on us."

Ruhi let out a shaky breath, her walls slowly crumbling as she realized that maybe-just maybe-she didn't have to do this alone.

"Okay," she whispered back, her voice barely audible. "Let's face it together."

Shivansh smiled, his lips curving up in that way that always made her heart flutter. He pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly as if to say that no matter what, he wouldn't let go.

And for the first time in a long while, Ruhi believed him.

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