Chapter 16 On The Road Again [oh boy]

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Cramped. Dominated by a bed. Decorated in colors designed to be restful but come off as akin to a decorators choices for a funeral home. Desperately trying to look like someone's bedroom but lacking personality. Cold, institutional tile floor. Window that looks out on neighboring roofs, no real view. Private bath that can't conceal its functionality. Handicap railing on toilet, shower and tub. Entry to both hospital room and private bath is a large heavy door engineered to open quietly and won't slam. Bed somewhat lumpy with padding and sheets that are trying to mask the thick plastic covering the mattress. Sheets in sterile white with pale blue blanket. Phone attached to the bed with a cord. Call button also attached to the bed.

This was just a ordinary hospital room and it just so happens i got no special treatment just this cramped lifeless room. There were so many people who came to visit me that i think by the end of the day i had met all of warped.

Jinxx wasnt too pleased that Ronnie was the one sitting next to me worried in a protective manner instead of him. Only people aloud to stay in the room were Ronnie Jinxx Denise Leah Cailyn and Kris everyone else could come in, in groups of 5 at the most but always had to rotate out sooner or later.

After spending the one night in the hospital the doctor insisted i stay in bed. In fact even said if i left the hospital id be threatening internal bleeding and or death but there was no way i was going to stay behind while everyone went on warped leaving me alone in a town i didnt know.

Ronnie was pushing me around in a wheel chair everywhere so i wouldnt injure anything further. No one would let me talk because they knew it was painful which i was actually very grateful for.

When we had gotten to the warped site i refused to go to the black veil brides bus because of what happened on it. I just didnt want to be in the very place my worst nightmare was unfolding less then 24 hours ago. So Ronnie was letting me stay in his room in the falling in reverse bus. I just laid there quietly trying to fall asleep while i listened to the exciting surroundings of warped out the window.

Denises POV

"Im black....which automatically makes me cooler than you" there was a random guy buying peirce the veil merch at the tent who i decided to hug and say this to. I pat his head like a dog before walking away without another word leaving him extremely confused considering I had absolutely no idea who he was.

I started to make my way to the pierce the veil tent where i was bunking with vic. It had taken me forever to get him to leave me alone after what happened yesterday. He was always asking if i was ok and telling me he would protect me from that ever happening again. Even though he was sweet it got fucking annoying how worried he was. I wasnt even hurt!

Finally i reached the bus and opened the door "Vic...." i was stopped short when he jumped off the couch his pants unzipped and breath ragged. "What were you doing?"

Jaime was in his bunk and he pulled back the curtain looking like he just woke up from a long night sleep "He was masturbating isnt it obvious?"

A deep blush rose to vics prominent cheek bones and he picked up a couch pillow chucking it at Jaime "What the hell bro"

"Hey i speak the truth." Jaime said laughing after the pillow hit him and closing the safest back up.

I looked at vic who was looking down so he wouldnt have to look at me "Why would you do that when you could just walk up to me and be like 'Hey lets have sex' id say yes"

Vic kept his head down shamefully before shrugging "Puppy dogs"

"Hey do we have any pizza" Jaime said from behind the curtain.

I looked at them confused."You guys are so weird it physically hurts me" i said before walking out closing the door behind me.

Allisons POV

"Hey A wake up" i heard Ronnies voice like angels to my ears and it was as refreshing as the first sunlight of day.

I moaned into the pillow tired and a bit annoyed at him for waking me up "What do you want Ronald im sleeping and what happened to the rule of me not talking" i said weakly. In fact my voice sounded as if i had been smoking for years. Raspy and full of pain.

"Hey i dont want you to talk just wake up" he said with a huge grin on his face. I didnt know exactly what about but he was excited to tell me something. "I just got off the phone with Blay and he booked me a tour for right after warped. Want to go? When your better of course."

I sighed happily "Of course i want to go on the road again with you Mr Radke" i said before he let me fall back asleep.

Authors Note

Thanks for reading. I know this is a short chapter but im really tired and if i were to make it longer it would've probably been really bad. So dont forget to vote and comment!

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