Chapter 17 High School Drop Out

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It was the last day of warped tour today and i still needed a wheel chair to get around anywhere. They say that i look so helpless having to be rolled around to prevent internal bleeding. The pain that shot through my body with each word or even breath was absolutely terrible. My ribs felt like someone was beating me with a hammer every time i tried to breath.

Right now it was about 10am here back in California. I was tired of everyone worrying about me these last couple days so i snuck out of the bus when everyone was still a sleep. Everyone was scrambling to get the stages set up and all the tents up, it seemed so chaotic but at the same time everyone was having fun and working together.

A few people stopped to ask how i was doing and i just nodded slightly with a smile because i didnt feel like going through the pain of talking. I rolled my wheelchair down to a small lake that the venue was next to. All i did was sit right at the edge of the water and it was so close i could just fall in. The sun was reflecting off the water making the secen just that more beautiful but it was already about 90% because of the sun.

I closed my eyes to let my bruised and broken body soke up the sun light into my pours. After a few minutes of just sitting there a heard someone come up behind me but i kept my eyes closed and head tilted back my face up to the sky. All of a sudden the sun was blocked and it was dark. I was about to open my eyes when i felt lips against mine and gentle hands on my shoulders.

A smile creeped onto my lips at the soft gentle feeling of lips against mine. Ever since i forgave ronnie hes been very apologetic and has been taking care of me but never touched me in a romantic way. Which is why hes kissing me so gently right now or at least thats what im assuming. My eyes open to see the handsome man with his hair hanging over both of us our eyes meeting. "Hi" he said simply.

I laughed slightly making me wince in pain "hi" i forced out the words my words still comin out scratchy like i was sick or a smoker. One of his hands came off my shoulder to brush his fringe tips on my cheek softly tucking a loose hair behind me ear.

Instead of hard brown eyes i was used to they were caring almost worried as they explored every inch of my face. "You should stay quiet. I dont like seeing you wince after every word" he said kissing me again then standing straight up taking the handles on my wheelchair into his grip. "Im taking you to everyones tent today and to any concerts you want"

"Well if im with you i dont think ill be able to stop talking" i said holding back my wince and hiding my pain. "Wont hundreds of screaming fans make that hard mr Radke." I said looking up at him as he pushed me back up the hill towards the warped venue.

Ronnie laughed as if it was a joke but then replied "the best thing about fan is they do what i ask. So if i tell them to let me through of be careful with my angel they will listen." He smiled cutely "Now all i need is for you to listen to me. Shhh"

I rolled my eyes are how conceded he sounded about his fans but it was true they'd do what hed ask. At this time i decided to listen and stay quiet. I hadn't relized how long i was down there because when we got to the venue it was already 11 and they were letting in little waves of people through the gates at a time. The line out side was so long that they could only let about 20 people in every 5 minutes because if they let them all in at a time it would be way to dangerous. "Ill take you to the tents first. Ok?" I nodded

At the peirce the veil tent Denise was helping sell the murch and we talked for a bit the usual conversation about penis vagina and how it feels to be black. Ronnie ended up buying me a ptv pizza necklace and guitar pick. They really like pizza. Next was stopping at the hoods up tent and falling in reverse just to say hi to some fans. Ronnie gave me a free cut it out t shirt and i wore it today with my hair in a bun and black skinny jeans with convers. After that we went to a few other tents before just going back to the bus to wait for the concerts i wanted to see.

As it is at 12:30
Sleeping with sirens 1:00
Motionless and white 1:30
Black veil brides 2:00
Falling in reverse [Of course] 2:40
Of Mice and Men 4:15
All time low 4:50
Peirce the veil 5:40
Never shout never 6:30
Saywecanfly 7:00
Bring Me the Horizon 8:00

"Well you two have a very packed day. Are you sire you can handle it?" Jacky said concerned. Cailyn was sitting next to him very close and it made me wonder if they got together.

I rolled my eyes and jinxx seemed to know exactly what i was going to say "She has some broken bones shes not dying" he said standing in the door way looking to Jacky. I haven't talked to him since i made him get out of my hospital room. He seemed mad at me and i knew he hated Ronnie but i didnt think he'd act like this. Like he wouldn't even look at me.

Jacky shrugged as jinxx told him off slightly and Cailyns butted in "Jacky was probably just worrying about the internal bleeding like all the rest of us."

Everyone nodded and jacky pointed with his thumb towards Cailyn "Thats a true statement" he said trying to break the think tension between everyone.

Jinxx rolled his eyes, ive never seen him like this before. "She wouldn't be broken if she was out at warped that day but someone upset her" there it was. He blamed ronnie for what has happened but hes always hated him.

Ronnie looked completely taken off guard but a look of sadness and anger set on his face "I get it ok?! Its my fault" he spat angrily.

Jinxx stood straight walking towards Ronnie and me so they were facing to face. "Just thought i should remind you you almost got her killed after you hurts her emotionally."

I struggled to speak as if i lost my voice and someone was squeezing my vocal chords. I was yelling but it was barely audible and it hurt so bad tears escaped my eyes "stop it!" They seemed not to hear me.

Ronnie pushed in a bit "If you were her best friend id beat your ass but for some unknown reason she loves your pathetic friendship. Cant you see she was happy before you opened your mouth."

Jinxx pushed back not changing his cold expression towards Ronnie. "She coukd never be happy with you Radke. Your just a disappointment. I couldnt take it anymore i was crying and i tried again "Stop!" Trying to stop jinxx from talking but he kept going "Shell never love you after all this"

"Pleas just s...!!!" I was cut off by the sound of a large impact. Ronnie had punched jinxx in the face causing him to fall down the stairs and out of the bus. "Stay away from my tour bus" he said closing the door.

Ronnie began to walk to his room "Ronnie i..." he turned slightly and forced a smile "i know" he said in a small voice and it was obvious he was about to cry. He shut the door to his room and i didnt look away till o heard the lock click into place.


"Kevin im going on tour with Ronnie after summers over. Ill have to drop out" I said into the phone.

"Yeah i love you too. Ill call you when i can." I said to my brother on the other side of the phone.

I hung up and took slow breaths try I to deal with the pain of talking so much. Its been an hour since Ronnie locked himself in his room after what happened. Andy and leah were the only ones keeping me company since jacky and Cailyn left "As of now you have dropped out of high school " andy said with a smile.

Leah laughed slightly holding onto her boyfriends hand tight "Yeah ill miss you little sis just promise you wont get more stupid"

I laughed and looked at my phone 12:25. Looks like i wont be having the best last day ever on warped. Right after having that thought Ronnie walked out smiling with bandages covering his nuckels. "Ready?" He asked.

This was surprising even everyone was looking at him wide eyed. "We're still going?" I said my voice still a whisper.

"Of course i made a promise to a girl that i never want to disappoint ever again"


It was sunset and Ronnie pushed me back down to the lake and we sat there watching the sunset and the calm water. I began singing Cant Stand it by Never Shout Never "Cuz everything you do if supper fucking cute."

Ronnie cut me off placing a soft hand on my cheek "Your supper fucking beautiful" he whispered before kissing my head. I just closed my eyes and smiled

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