Character 12 What The Fuck

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[Leah is above]

All after parties are the same. After a while they all blend together. Drinking meet and greets then you go to the bus and sleep after hanging with all your friends who are just as drunk as you. The only difference between last night and the nights before was that instead of being a guest in the back waiting for the guys to meet some fans the fans wanted to talk to me. Most questions was if i was dating Ronnie and i said no which got Ronnie angry. Another thing that was different was me and Ronnie got in a screaming match.
I woke up at 6 not my usual drowsy self from drinking the night before. After the fight i just came back here and cried untill i fell asleep.

"Not that im not happy you decided to actually spend time with me but why arent you in Ronnies bus?" Jinxx said looking at me from his bed across the room.

I laughed at the sight of some eyeliner from last night's show smeared on his cheek bones "You look lovely"

"Your avoiding the question" Jinxx said looking at me with insistent eyes.

He was right i was avoiding the question so i would have to lie but i was going to anyway "Well i missed you and plus Ronnie was out late for meet and greets"

Jinxx looked at me disaprovingly because he knew i was hiding something. "Well your getting up and going to introduce Cailyn to Chris"

"She didnt meet motionless yet?" I said surprised.

"No he doesnt really go to the after parties so there really hasn't been a chance to meet him" He said running the eye liner from his head before getting up. "Now get up"

He walked out closing the door and i buried my face into my pillow sighing.


Cailyn burst in the door making my drop my eye liner and scream but before i could speak she screamed "CHRIS MOTIONLESS" Excitedly.

I was only in a bra and jeans "CLOSE THE DOOR"

Cailyn noticed the for warped opened and turned around to shut it. "Nice" Jake yelled teasingly looking at me.

I rolled my eyes pushing the door all the way closed "Pervert" i yelled from behind the closed door.

"You know it" he yelled back.

I shook my head laughing while pushing each loose strand of my hair into a messy bun that rested on the top of my head "What should I wear?" I asked Cailyn

She barely could hear me I've her complete and utter excitement about meeting Chris "Look through all the stuff Ronnie bought you and see if you got a motionless and white shirt."

The mere mention of his name sent a stabbing pain through my gut but i didnt let it show becauseno one knew about the fight and no one will. We arent even dating technically so I dont have to tell anyone about our fights "Can you do it whilei put on my makeup"

Cailyn ran to the closet snatching the Warped Tour bag and digging through it "Theres a spaghetti strap tank" she announced

"Ok ill wear that and my black skinny jeans" I said finishingmy eyeliner

"You should wear your rippedred jeans" she said tossing the shirt and jeansto me after i put down my eyeliner.


It was a cool 100 billion degrees at warped today like most days. We started walking towards the Motionless and White stage. Well i was walking and Cailynwas running around screaming "HI" into every ones face or "I LIKE YOUR SHIRT" but lets not forgetabout my favorite "YOUR MY NEW BEST FRIEND" That one usually resulting in scared people walking away.

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