19th September, 2016

Mixed feelings

It has been over a week or two since it happened and I confess  I still cannot forget it. It is not like I had my first kiss or something. Someone just flirted with me! It should not have turned me into a sappy teenager expecting a whirlwind romance, but here I am trying not to do exactly that. I do not have any expectations whatsoever. And I know you are going to laugh and say, "Well, Althea. You are expecting much more." And I will say, "I am not." And you still won't believe me, so I am not going to argue on that.

I am just trying to sort my feelings out. Am I attracted to Gavin, or is it a crush? (Is there even a difference between them?) Do I like him as a friend, admirer, or something more? It is hard to tell. I have never been in love before, so I do not know how it exactly feels. And I do not have the symptoms as those explained in all those romance novels. So where do I stand right now? What does 'blushing every time I think of that moment' tells me? Or how 'I cannot meet his eyes now' tells me? Is it really just mere embarrassment or something else?

To add to all this confusion is Gavin himself. He is going too hot and cold for me to figure out his intentions. He is not being a jerk like he was that day, but it is still confusing. Sometimes we would end up talking late into the night about random things and somedays, he would downright ignore me at school. Somedays he would drop by for a chat and somedays, he leave me on read for a day or two. What signals are he actually sending? The worst part is that I cannot even ask him. It is not like we are close buddies right now. It is not like he owe me his time. I am just assuming we are friends because who else would talk with someone for nothing? And I already have too many embarrassing moments with him. I do not even want to talk about it. 

I should really ask him or at least point it out right? Or should I spare myself the embarrassment if he said we are mere acquaintance? God, this is so confusing. Why are boys so confusing?

I know it is a short chapter, but I really think it is enough for a rant. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01 ⏰

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