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3.3   Should I trust him?

Althea pov

I was reading my paperback of this novel of Nicolas sparks when my phone beeps. I rolled on my bed towards my nightstand to take my phone all the while messing my bedsheets more than they are already messed up. I picked up my phone to see a message from Sarah.

Sarah: I wasn't joking when I told you to stay away from him, Al. Don't fell for his words.

I frowned seeing her message thinking about whom she's talking about. Then the conversation we had earlier today clicked in my mind.


"So, Sarah. How do you know him?" I asked Sarah changing the topic from clothes towards him. Really I'm curious about him.

Sarah's face morphed in confusion.

"Who are you talking about?" she asked, taking a bite of her burger.

"Umm...Gavin." I said keeping my eyes on her reaction.

She mid stopped chewing and stared at me for a while. I started feeling nervous under her gaze and started fidgeting with the straw in my cup. She then glance towards Hannah and then both of them turned towards me with a sly grin.

"Why? Does our little Al having a crush on someone?" Hannah wiggled her eyebrows making both of them laugh rather loudly. I, on the other hand, blushed.

"No...it's not like that. I was just curious." I told them trying to control my blush.

"So, how is it?" Sarah said, giving me a wink. She then gasped. "Oh my god! Don't tell me you fell for him that day in café. I should have done something..."

"God! It's not like that at all Sarah. Don't start with your presumptions. "I cut her off. "I said I am just curious. He just sends me a friend request few weeks ago I guess and that's why I asked."

They both gave each other a look and then turn towards me straight with a serious gaze.

"Actually, Al, it's just that..." Sarah cuts Hannah.

"It's a secret, Al. and it should remain so." Sarah glances at Hannah and nod.

"Al, Gavin's gay." I spurted my drink and coughed wildly while my friends laughed their asses off.

"That's" Cough "not" Cough "funny".  I breathed out my reply between coughs and they started laughing again.

"Oh my. Sarah, did you captured the scene? It was hilarious. Totally insta-worthy."  Hannah asked Sarah when she stopped laughing with a broad grin.

"Oops. My bad. I forget." Sarah replied while clicking her tongue between her teeth. With that they started laughing again.

I glared at them.

"You got to agree with us Al. Your reaction was awesome." Sarah said while rubbing my back as I get out of my cough fit. I glared harder and she made a peace sign with her hand.

"Now now enough of jokes. As they say, curiosity killed the cat." Sarah proceeded. " But in our case, it choked our friend." She giggled.  She really freaking giggled. I really got a weird group of friends.

"Sarah!" Hannah chided her and continued. "So about Gavin. Well, I know you got a god vision Al, so I hope you know that he's handsome and gorgeous and hot and sexy..."

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