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"The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...."- John Green

The front door was slammed shut as someone darted inside the house and went straight upstairs. The sound alerted Althea that someone's home. It is 4 p.m. so it can't be her husband, she thought. Scott, her 12 year old son is at his soccer practice. It must be her 17 year old daughter. She placed her coffee mug down on the small table of her study room and got up from the couch. Something is wrong. Her daughter always calls her when she's home.

She walked out the study and climbed up the stairs towards her daughter room. When she reached in front of her daughter's room, she tried to open the door but it was lock. An unsettling feeling set inside her.

"Kim." she knocked the door and said in a soft yet worrisome voice. "Sweetie, are you inside? What happened? Open the door baby." She asked getting more anxious with time. She knocked the door again this time louder. She put her ear on the door and could hear silent sob from the other side.

After a few moments, the door opened with a click from the knob revealing her daughter. Kim eyes, her father's grey, were red and swollen as black streaks forming the path of her tears down her cheeks. Her hair was messy and she was sporting a defeated look. Looking at her daughter's distorted state, Althea hugged her. This made the pool of tears flow out of Kim eyes again.

"Shhh... Everything's going to be fine, don't cry sweetie." She cooed in her daughter's ear. Kim sobbed in her mother embrace holding her tighter around her waist. Her mother broke the embrace and lead Kim towards her bed. Sitting on her bed, Althea asked in a comforting tone." What happened, Kim? Why are you crying? Did anyone say something to you? Is it about the tests?" Kim is very serious about academics.

Kim drew in a breath and in a broken voice; she told her mother the reason behind her distress.

"Mom.... It's not about the test. I'm so sorry......I should have known it would happen.....I'm so sorry." She started crying again.

"Sweetie, if you'll not tell me what happen how will I know if you should be sorry or not."

Sometimes Kim found herself lucky to have such an understanding mother. She loves her mother. Always optimistic, cheerful and jubilant.

"Mom, you know Drake? " Kim asked her mother.

"Ah ha... I guess I'm getting the reason." Her mother nodded her head as understanding dawned on her. "Don't tell me he broke up with you. Tell me what the stupid reason he gave you is."

"He said I'm not good enough for him, that I'm too uptight and don't know how to behave. How can he do this to me? We have been together for a year and now he is telling me he can't do this anymore. He was the one who told me he love me. How can he say that I'm not worth it?" and with that she started crying again. "And I was fabricating a future with him where we will live and love each other forever."

Her mother smiled a little remembering her teenage days and the same thing she has seen girls go through when guys ditched them or break up with them. But then remembering it is not about some random girl but her very own daughter, she knew what to do to make her realise that Drake isn't her forever. She deserves someone better, someone who would hold unto Kim and love her the way her husband loves her. She wants her daughter to know that it is a lesson, not the end. She knew what to do.

"Kim. Here look at me." Her daughter lifts her head and meets Althea eyes. "Now wait here. I got something for you."

Althea stood up from her side on the bed and walked out of the room. A few moments later she came back with a book in her hand. She sat beside her daughter who was sitting on the middle of the bed staring with a dazed look in her eyes. Kim looked at her mom puzzled to find a book with her. Was it some motivational kind of book? She really does not want such crap at that moment.

"This isn't a motivational kind of book. Don't give me that look." Althea told her daughter with a small smile.

Kim smiled a little. "Why mom? Are you psychic?" She asked adding a little humour left with her at that moment.

"I'm your mother. I', bound to be psychic with you." Althea laughed a little, satisfied that her daughter is still a bit her cheery self. At least she had got something from her.

"This girl is a guide to life." Althea said earning a smug look from her daughter. "What?"

"And you said it isn't some motivational book." Kim replied. Even though she was an emotional wreck but with her mother she could never be sad. Her mom calls it Monteruz charms.

"Well, technically it isn't. It's my diary actually and I thought it would be..." Kim cut her off mid-sentence.

"Your diary. The one you never let us touch. The one which is sacred and cannot be touched or the hell would break lose and death would descend upon us." Kim couldn't hold her surprise back.

"Yeah. That diary. Would you let me complete. Sometimes I think I should have been a strict mother. It would have been possible to control you and everything else."

"Mom can you please come to the point?" Kim cut her mother rambling off again.

"Okay. Hold on. So as I was saying I guess it's the right time for you to read it. I feel it's the right time for you to learn something I learned when I was your age. I'll not tell you what it is. You have to read it yourself. Just know this that no one is perfect and we all make mistakes. We should amend them and move on with what we can't change." Althea told her daughter seriously.

"Understood. So, can I read it now?" Kim asked, giving her mother her brightest smile.

"Yes, you can." She handed it to her daughter. Then she lifts herself off the bed and walked towards the door. "And don't tell about it to your father. God knows what he would do upon hearing it. I'll tell him myself."

Althea shut the door behind her and walked away to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Kim has mixed emotions. She got the thing she always wanted to read. It was the most precious treasure of her mother. She looked at the red diary and was filled with curiosity. Her mother's teenage years are captured in those pages.

She opened the diary to find 2 words written on the 1st page: Dear Crush

Important things.....

1. The chapters are going to be in first person, that is, from Althea's point of view.

2. The chapter are divided into 2 parts namely 1, 1.1, 2, 2.2, etc.

3. The chapters with whole numbers are in the form of diary entry.

4. The chapters in decimals are flashbacks.

5. Dates are mentioned that of present decade. Don't ask why.

6. I've bad grammar and there may be some spellings mistake. So feel free to point them out without being rude.

7. And if you find something bizarre or weird then please ask.

Thanks for reading. I hope you liked it. Please vote, comment or share.....

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