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2.2 Is she hot?

Althea's pov


Am I being delusional or what's written in the grey chat box below my 'hi' message is a reply?

Omg! He replied. What should I do? What should I say? Should I ask him about the weather or what he is doing or...

Wait a second. Why am I panicking? It's just a text, for god sake. Be cool and calm, Althea. Now deep breathes. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. There I go.

What's happening?

I asked as calmly as I can. It's not like I'm chatting with Obama. He's just a guy.

Yeah. A hot guy with beautiful eyes....my conscience whispered.

Shut up!

Nthing much! Wbu?

He replied within seconds. That guy is surely fast! And there started our conversation.

Al: Touché

Ga: So.... Hwz things going so far for the new girl?

Al: Pretty fine. The finals were great and nothing much happened since I crashed into you with my lunch, of course.

Ga: hahaha.... I do remember. It was my favorite shirt though!

Shit! I was right. I really messed things up as always. And he remembers. Why I had to say that? Stupid Althea.

Al: I'm really sorry for that. I will gladly buy you a new shirt. What's your size?

Ga: Nah it's okay. But really nice trick to retrieve info. Starting with my size already , are we? ;-)

My cheeks flamed red with his comment. Well, I blush quite easily. I shouldn't have asked. Why do I land up myself in situations like that? 

Al: I really didn't mean it that way. It came out wrong. I'm sorry.

Ga: I was just kidding. Anyway hw many times do u apologize in a normal day?

Al: Not much but I guess I apologize more than I eat in a day and let me assure you, it's too much.

Ga: hahah. A foodie! I like that! I blushed. It's quite rare to find girls who aren't obsessed with their diet.

Al: I'll take it as a compliment.

Ga: it was a compliment. And ur welcome.

Al: So what are you planning for the holidays? Going away with your family?

Ga: Yeah. I'm going off to California tomorrow to meet my cousins. U?

Al: I'm staying here. Got some plans with Sarah and Hannah.

Ga: Sarah and Hannah! Cool. U really got some nice frndz here.

Al: I know they're just so nice and friendly. I never met anyone like them ever. *conditions apply*

Ga: why conditions apply?

Al: I got my best friend Victoria.

Ga: is she hot?

Al: She's more than hot!

Ga: really?

My stomach twisted with some unknown feeling. My mood suddenly went off. I don't know why am I feeling such alien things in me? My 17th birthday is 3 months away. Am I turning into a werewolf?

I shake away those petty questions away and replied.

Al: hahah. Truly!

Ga: of course she would be. She's ur frnd after all.

My heart stopped for a second and then it started beating faster.

Did he just call me hot? I blushed.

Al: So... how did your exams go?

I tried changing the topic.

Ga: argggg... u just ruined my mood!

Al: Sorry.

Ga: nah its fine. I'm nt fantastic in my studies... I'm more of a sports person. You must have known I guess. I'm the captain of school's soccer team.

Shit! I didn't know...

Al: It would be fun right? Being the popular guy of the school. Everyone loving and adoring you. Plus having the great responsibility towards the school, winning matches and adjusting your schedule so you can get time to do everything else .... It must be hard too...

Ga: wow! U r quite understanding. But nah its nt like that. I'm naturally good at everything so no I don't schedule things. And I love the attention.

Al: Thank you, oh great one, for admiring my understandability.

I glanced at the clock at my nightstand to find it's already midnight. Damn mom will go hulk on me if she found out that I was wide awake after midnight.

Al: I should go now... it's quite late and I'm off my curfew. Will talk later bye. Good night.

Ga: u got a curfew...that's weird. Anyways, night night.

I read the message and put my phone aside on my nightstand. I yawned and snuggled deeper in my bed. I feel happy to know more things about Gavin than his green eyes and I'm happy to know that he's a nice person... with that thought in mind, I drifted into my land of sweet dreams of everything green.....

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