31 - Fighting a Dragon

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In a lush forest somewhere in the spirit realm, there were all kinds of trees all around, each a different colour, some Levi had never seen in both of his lives, he was leaning on one of those trees right now with his legs crossed and eating what seemed to be a soft pink apple. It was one of the weird things he discovered here in the spirit realm, of course, he used observation on it first to make sure it was safe for consumption.

‘Not so bad if I say so myself.’ he thought as he finished his apple and looked at the sky.

It had been five days since he was stranded in the spirit world, he knew the time so accurately because the system has been counting ever since. He didn't know what to do, he explored all over the place but he couldn't find anything that might help him get back to the physical plane, and even if he did he would just instantly die if he didn't get strong enough to switch to his physical body.

He didn't seem to need food or sleep while he was in his spiritual body state which was the only upside, besides his spirit body leveling up and the cost for the switch reducing by 10 every level up.

[Spirit body (Active/Passive) Level 9: By activating this ability the user can change his state of existence from physical to spiritual and vice versa. The user needs to change his state of being according to the world he is in.

Current state: Spiritual.

Costs 910 Chi points to switch, the cost to switch will decrease as the ability levels up, the user will also unlock more abilities.]

He didn't know what made it level up but if his guess was right then just being in this state and exploring his limits and abilities increased the level, so hopefully with enough time he wouldn't have to worry about the cost of switching in the future.

Thankfully he hadn't encountered any threats for now but he would never let his guard down, he knew that the spirit realm was way more dangerous than it appeared to be, the only explanation he came to of why it was so safe now was that he had been transported to a relatively safe location.


His ears twitched as he seemed to hear a faint sound of a twig breaking behind him.


Again the sound came and it was closer this time, apparently something or someone was trying to sneak up on him and it was failing miserably.

Levi didn't move, he acted as if he didn't hear anything, he just kept laying with his back on the tree and looking at the horizon. If whatever was trying to sneak up on him was a threat he would have felt it already, but till now he didn’t feel any danger, plus moving would alert whatever was behind him.

*Crunch* *Crunch*

So little by little he kept hearing sounds behind him, getting closer and closer till it was almost directly behind him, ‘Does it have a hearing problem?.’ questioned Levi in his mind because he couldn't for the life of him figure out how it thought it was actually being sneaky with so much noise being made.


Turning around so quickly that his opponent couldn't react, a spear appeared in Levi’s hand that he pulled from his inventory as he thrust it forward as fast as he could before he could even process what his opponent looked like.

The spear dove straight into what he assumed was his opponent's chest, all he could see were black sturdy, and shiny scales, he saw his spear pierce right through them but he couldn't feel any resistance at all as if he was piercing through air.

‘Of course.’ thought Levi as he saw the scene, he already assumed that would be the case as his spear came from the physical world and things from the two worlds seemed to not be able to interact with each other.

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