32 - New Sub-ability

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Slowly getting up the dragon had an enraged look on his face that Levi didn't see during their entire fight, it was as if he was enraged at a lesser life form injuring him, but this time even though he was way angrier than before he didn't charge forward thoughtlessly, he started circling around levi and observing him, looking for openings with Levi doing the same.

As if on cue both the dragon and Levi lunged at each other, Levi thrusting his spear forward and the dragon swiping with his claw, sadly for Levi the dragon's claw would have reached him before his spear could connect so dodging to the side Levi jumped back and an idea came into his mind.

Before the dragon could regain his balance Levi held the spear above his head before using all his power to throw it forward.

[Throwing levelled up +1]

The spear flew in a straight line towards the dragon who dodged upon seeing the incoming attack, sadly for him he was a little late as the spear grazed the side of his arm drawing blood.

The dragon seemed to pay it no heed as if he finally saw an opportunity, his enemy was without the only thing that could hurt him and he was going to take advantage of that as he rushed at Levi as fast as he could.

Levi only smirked as he stretched his hand to the side, his spear immediately materialising in it and disappearing from where it was behind the dragon, holding it he again put all his strength into it as he threw it at the charging dragon.

Again the dragon was caught off guard by the strange turn of events as he tried to stop and dodged even using his wings this time to help him.

Sadly for him, the spear shot straight through his neck and embedded itself there, before Levi materialised another spear in his hand making the one in the dragon's neck disappear, and with nothing to stop the blood from flowing the dragon started screaming in agony as it bled.

‘That should take care of its fire breath.’ thought Levi deciding not to risk it and just watch from afar as the dragon turned and wailed on the ground.

[Divine armament levelled up +1]

As the notification appeared in front of him Levi could immediately feel something different in his weapon, aside from feeling it getting a little stronger and sharper he also felt that he could change its shape!

Deciding to test this theory out he waited until the dragon was back up on his feet, snarling at him again. One thing was for certain this dragon wasn't a coward, he had half expected him to run away by now but it seemed that he was wrong.

This time it was Levi who rushed the dragon
using Dash to increase his speed he almost caught the dragon off guard by thrusting his spear forward. Sadly for him, the dragon dodged to the side completely avoiding his attack, Levi could almost swear he saw a smug expression on the dragon’s face.

Swiping at him with a claw from the side Levi didn't have the time to dodge, he could either receive the hit head-on or block it with the spear, but what happened later shocked the baby dragon to almost whimpering, the spear in Levi’s hand shifted and in a second morphed into a double-edged sword which he used to swipe at the dragon’s claw.

The dragon already caught off guard and tricked multiple times during their spare till now was already on high alert as he quickly jumped back pulling his claw out of the way, but he still wasn't fast enough as a small wound opened on it, it was small but it was there nonetheless.

Seeing the dragon Levi couldn't help but smirk,”What's the matter kid? Afraid to keep going?.” he mocked, although he wasn't in a better shape himself but he was sure that this fight was done already, the moment that he unlocked Divine armament the dragon had lost plus …

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