Ashley x Luke [Percy Jackson]

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Luke and Ashley were-

...what exactly were Luke and Ashley?

They'd be lying if they said they knew that. For one, they have a bond, that's not debatable. But they also had feelings for each other. Which the other knew about. It wasn't really a secret with that back and forth flirting and constant hangouts.

So why don't they finally ask each other out? Honestly... they didn't know that either. Maybe it was because the daughter of Ares and son of Hermes were both too proud to give in to their feelings? Or outright admit them? No clue.

Ashley herself swore Aphrodite was making fun of her up from Olympus witnessing all of that. She wasn't so sure she'd ever want to meet the goddess personally. Not like her kids were any better, always trying to set her up with Luke. Especially Silena.

The two didn't need setting up though. What they needed was for one of them to finally approach the other and go "Hey, I have a crush on you, and I know you like me too. Let's go on a date!" But both of them knew that day wouldn't come soon.

And Ashley had those same, uncalled for thoughts swirling in her head as she was face to face with Luke Castellan, yet again. Stupid, stupid feelings.

Her golden spear- that Luke had managed to take from her- was on the dirt floor next to his feet. Within her reach, but the Hermes boy wouldn't let her pull any move to get it back. While he, ever so devilishly handsome, had drawn Backbiter and pointed it at her, ever so charmingly pretty.

Of course she had been sent to get the flag. Not that she minded, it was probably her favorite position in Capture the Flag anyway. But it wasn't exactly an easy job when Luke was the one guarding it.

And it did not help that he looked all the more attractive in the sunlight seeping through the trees. With his blonde hair and those sapphire eyes, that triumphant smile, his toned arms-

"So? What's your plan to get outta this, almighty daughter of Ares?" Luke grins at her, interrupting her thoughts.

'Snap out of it, Ashley. Just stop.'

When in reality, he was admiring her just the same. Ashley had her red curls tied back in a low ponytail, a few loose locks springing out like always. Her dark azure eyes with that same gleam that he loved so much, her freckles seemingly glistening...

Ashley sighs. "Gods damn you, Castellan..." She mumbles, adverting her gaze.

Smile widening, Luke lowers his sword, "Gods damn me?" He chuckles. "Nah. The gods won't help you in a game of Capture the Flag."

Looking back at him, the Ares girl stares at him and bit the inside of her cheek in contemplation. He wouldn't give up the flag. He wouldn't. Luke had equally as much experience as she had. Even if she somehow got away, he'd just track her down again and capture her.


She stepped closer, a mischevious smile on her face as she reaches one hand to put on Luke's shoulder, the other on his chest, right above his heart. Hoping this little idea of hers would work...

The Hermes counselor furrows his eyebrows, feeling his face warm up. "What are you-" But he was cut off when he felt a pair of lips on his.

Luke's blue eyes widen, his sword clatters to the ground (which, mind you, never happens). He takes a few seconds to realize that Ashley's kissing him. Ashley, Ares' daughter that was so fierce and competitive, but so sweet. Ashley, who he adores so dearly. That's- well, he wasn't expecting it.

But it's not like he was complaining. So his eyelids quickly fluttered shut, hands instinctively moving to her hips.

He's already thought about kissing Ashley before, of course. Multiple times. She kinda tastes like raspberries. And he liked that.

He liked that.

It was perfect.

...Until Ashley kicked at his legs and he fell, landing on his back.

As fast as lightning, the daughter of Ares scooped up her spear and rushed to grab the blue flag while Luke was still in shock.

"Sorry babe, I needed a distraction." She calls smugly as she ran past him, clearly not sorry. "If it makes you feel better, I did enjoy that kiss while it lasted though!" Her smirk widens. And she was gone, disappearing in the trees with the flag to return to her team.

Leaving Luke alone on the ground.

"You little minx!" He yelled after her, but couldn't help the hint of a laugh in his voice and the grin spreading across his face. Luke laid back down, reaching a hand to his lips, still reeling from the feeling of kissing Ashley fresh and vivid in his mind.

He was gonna get her back for that.


(Kinda rushed sorryy)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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