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sosuke aizen couldn't believe how well his plans had worked out, his goals of changing the soul society even slightly, through his rebellion, had worked, ichigo kurosaki, a man who would have once been executed by the old regime was proof of this

of course playing the villain meant that, he was now imprisoned, the problem was this prison didn't really hold him, he stayed because he chose to do so

when yhwach releases him of his confines, he smiles

"you are a fool" he remarks before sighing

"the mask of sosuke aizen has served it's purpose, as has the hogyoku" he said as he held out his hand and to the shock of the shinigami, they watched his zanpakuto reform in his hand

"i would never give up, such a presence for any amount of power, but i did temporarily externally seal it, until a time i could reclaim it now is that time" he said, pointing his blade at yhwach, i am sure one my most trusted companion has already begun to evolve thanks to the powers i have obtained, but obtaining more is never bad, allow me to introduce my first loyal companion" i said, as i snapped my finger there was a loud crash, as down came EVA unit-01 glaring down at yhwach

"this yhwach is my godslayer" i said, as i gestured for unit-01 to attack, it was easily able to subdue yhwach, much to the shock and awe of it, and then they were terrified to watch the EVA straight up eat yhwach, like a hollow would

"think of my EVA here as the most powerful vasto lorde you will ever encounter, that isn't accurate as my EVA isn't a hollow, it has a soul, but still, actually eating yhwach may have given me more then i realized, something i will have to test in the future" i said

"you believe you will have the opportunity" shunsui said, i smiled as i sheathed my trusty zanpakuto, i then held out my hand, as shunsui began to convulse

"i have no reason to hide my identity any more i am shinji ikari, leader of the lilin, i believe it is time i returned to the living" i said, as they watched me vanish, unit-01 rose up to it's feet and began to walk away, many shinigami including ichigo kurosaki attempted to stop the EVA, they all failed, to the point where the EVA outright ignored them, but it stopped and turned as it kneeled and i reappeared

"do you have my glasses by any chance lieutenant i miss them" i said, lieutenant momo hinamori blinked, as she fearfully removed a pair from within her shihakusho and he gently took them

"give a message to lieutenant matsumoto, tell her, that gin never betrayed her, his ultimate goal was always to kill me, i don't want you to think he had a change of heart, his heart had always belonged to the woman, a loyalty i can respect" i said, as i turned

"wait" momo said, i turned

"please, take me with you" she said, i smiled

"if that is your wish my faithful lieutenant" i said, as i held out my hand she took it hesitantly, and they were gone, EVA and all simply vanished, they arrived back on the 

"welcome to the base of the lilin lieutenant, the NHG: erlösung" i said smiling warmly down upon her, as i looked around

"it seems the others have returned as well, let us see what they have" i said, as i led the way, momo dutifully following her captain, realizing that the man she remembered hadn't changed at all like many believed he truly was the kind man she remembered, he just had a harsh way of showing it

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