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"the liberation of another six plantations is complete" hikari reported

"what of the klaxosaurs" i asked

"they seem to have taken a wait and see approach they aren't sure how to feel about us" hikari reported, i nodded

"sir, i want you to meet squad 13" feldt said, my eyebrow raised

"i'm the leader of squad 13, ichigo" she said, my second eyebrow raised

"a squad that's not as brainwashed as the rest, i am shinji ikari, commander of these forces, and leader of the lilin council, it is a genuine pleasure to meet you ichigo" i said

"we wanted to know why you were attacking plantations" zorome voiced up

"can i have your name" i asked

"zorome" he said

"to answer your question, for you, our goal is to liberate all parasites, there's only two thousand of you and we are destroying the facilities used to make more, i'm gonna leave the adults to their fate for what they have done" i said

"what they have done" she asked

"feldt" i said, she nodded handing me a pad which i handed to ichigo

"that's a list of every squad your papa ordered to self-destruct in an attempt to stop us, to be fair those squads did succeed in stopping us, because the reason we were attacking in the first place was now no longer in reach" i said

"how many are here" she asked

"four" i replied, they blanched

"fourty children, gone, if you noticed our attacks were ramped up, specifically to stop more squads from even activating a self-destruct" i said

"what happens now" ichigo asked now much more subdued

"we will be taking you with us, you will have the choice for your future, we won't leave until we have rescued every single parasite there, then we will destroy the thing they are creating in gran cravasse, before departing and leaving these creatures to their fate" i said, with conviction

and as he had promised, leave they did

"alright hikari, this world looks relatively normal, take a team of our more mystically powered individuals and see what you learn" i said

"understood" she said, we made a dirac jump to a previous universe mostly so we didn't have to wait for weeks on end for a report, a good call as shinji would learn, as hikari would spend two years trying to learn what made this world special but once she was in, oh boy was she in

"sir we are getting a transmission from lady horaki's command ship" feldt said

"patch it through" i said

"shinji" she said over comms

"hikari you sound pleased" i said

"i did really good, and i mean really really good, with this world we don't need anything more we can move on to our final destination, and i have one of the biggest ins possible" she said

"that's good" i said

"you won't be happy with me though" she said, my eyebrow raised

"me" i said

"yes, this is very good, for the coalition, for our council, but you will hate it" she said

"what did you do" i said

"please don't be mad" she said

"what did you do" i said

"promise not to be mad" she said

"what did you do" i said for the third time

"i think you'll need to meet to understand, i'm coming with my ship and will rendezvous, we can meet on one of those fancy galaxy-class ships" hikari said

"fine" i said and the transmission ended

"inform the council we are meeting on a galaxy-class ship, and to expect guests hikari has done something, she won't explain what" i said as i left the bridge to sumeragi

arriving in the conference room on the galaxy-class

"why are you all standing" i said, as i attempted to take a seat

"not there" asuka said

"what, what do you mean i always sit here" i said

"we've been talking, we think that you should sit at the head of the table you are the leader here" mari said

"we are doing this now" i asked

"we were in on the transmission hikari, sent this could be big for us, we need to show we deserve it, hence we are all in our respective uniforms" she said, i noticed that they were in fact wearing the uniform for the biggest organization they each represent, i was only wearing the standard celestial being uniform as i was on duty, though technically they were the biggest organization i represented with the fleet general mannequin gave us, i sighed

"fine" i said as i took a seat at the head of the table, and they sat rei and mari sat to my left, and asuka sat on my right side though the chair directly to my right was left empty, my eyebrow raised, they didn't do this before, they must be done with this constant moving around

soon the door opened, and hikari walked in wearing the imperial japanese military uniform, followed by a man that was clearly religious, that made me worry a bit more

"now before we start, please here me, and by extension him out before going for the pitch forks, or in this case the evangelions" hikari said, even asuka raised her eyebrow at that, hikari nodded to the man, who bowed slightly

"greetings, lilin council it is my very genuine pleasure to meet you, i am michael, the archangel" he said, despite the small people in the room chaos instantly started, mostly do to asuka who acted on impulse as hikari attempted to stop her and mari and rei up as well, when a loud bang was heard from the room

"ENOUGH, SIT DOWN" i roared, asuka was shocked, never had she seen him roar or have such an air of authority, once they were seated and calmed i directed my attention towards michael

"have you been told of this council and it's origins" i asked, he nodded sadly

"good, each of us have been affected negatively in some way, i am probably the only person at this table that doesn't blame the abominations for my sorrows, because my parents are to blame for even summoning those creatures as a part of GEHIRN, my point is this hikari brought you here and i named her my executive, as such i will trust her judgement and give you the benefit of the doubt, but here my warning, we have fought angels before, they are all dead, are we clear" i asked

"very, and i thank you for hearing me out" he said

"first i want you all to understand none of my kind hold any ill will to you in fact we are sponsoring, lady horaki currently in hopes to convince you to come to heaven" he said directing it directly at shinji

"why" i asked

"we were told your EVA as you call it is the strongest and you hold the greatest connection to it" he said

"the former is up for debate but the latter is true yes" i said

"we wish for you to attempt to interface with the system, our god created" he said

"and what will it mean" i asked

"that you and your council will become the new god, or gods, and would have command over all the angels" he said, i blinked

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