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of course his request fell on deaf ears

"sensei, would you please come with me, my club president would like to talk to you about maybe sponsoring our club" he said, i gave him a look informing him i knew exactly what he meant and wasn't pleased

"of course, kiba lead the way" i said, he nodded and did so leading me to the occult research club, i took a seat on the couch, and akeno gave me a cup of tea

"thank you miss himejima" i said, she smiled

"your welcome sensei" she said, rias soon arrived having clearly just finished showering

"my apologies for making you wait sensei" she said

"we both know why we are here, there is no reason for us to hide behind these pretenses and i do not have the patience for it today, i'm getting much more grouchy in my old age" i said

"of course, who are you" she said

"i am shinji ikari, everything i told you in my introduction was true" i said

"what are you" she asked

"i am..... i will be truthful mostly because i do not believe you will understand, i am what has been referred to as the lilin, one of six, excuse me one of five, we call ourselves the lilin council" i said

"and what are the lilin" she asked

"if we are being technical we are human, if we are being honest, we are not entirely sure, something in between, humanity decided to mess with things they didn't understand with children who knew and understood even less" i said noticing kiba grimace at my words before continuing "at first it was a curse, but we have learned to turn it into a blessing, we do not trust each other enough for me to be comfortable giving you anymore" i said

"why are you here" she asked

"honestly, protection, although maybe not the kind you are thinking of, in truth, i am running away from responsibilities i did not ask for, i will return, but i need a break, this is my relaxing break, we will be revealing ourselves the supernatural soon enough, currently my compatriots are having too much fun changing the rules, i saw this city was devil territory, and then i saw who was actually governing the place, and i jumped straight in, after all i can do teaching two seventeen year old devils some english, i cannot, or rather really do not wish to rule a faction at present" i said, i remember what the girls did to michael and what they intended to do to poor gabriel and i was glad i wasn't there at present

"so you are using us to hide from your responsibilities" she said, as she snorted

"that is pretty much what i said before rambling but yes" i said

"and what do we get" she asked

"besides a competent english teacher, well haven't you noticed the recent down spike in activity, the fallen are encroaching a little much for my liking and i will be fixing that soon enough, otherwise i protect this town, and will continue to do so, until my executive pulls me away" i said

"i see, you don't really mind us knowing about you" she said

"i'm gonna be honest gremory, i wasn't stupid i did my research on both you and the sitri heiress, both of you by the reports are good people, as such, it is my hope that we ignore each others existence outside of when i am teaching of course" i said a small smile on my face

"do you enjoy teaching" she asked

"that depends, do i enjoy teaching english, not really, do i enjoy teaching in general yes, it warms my heart to see students eager to learn" i said, it was clear to them there was much left unsaid in that statement but they let it slide

"very well, we will leave you alone then" she said

"that is all i ask, though in the future if you need me to scratch your back let me know, the council has powerful friends, that will come immediately should we call" i said, as i got up and left the room

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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