Final Warning

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Gabrielle was the epitome of an early bird, she was usually the first one up...often waking up before her parents to go on runs through the forest or even a leisurely stroll.

Usually, she would use the morning time to be productive and or exercise but her reasoning for being up and about right now was rather...abnormal.

She simply had to relieve the urine in her system, it wasn't anyone's business but hers anyways.

After finishing her business and getting herself cleaned up, Gabrielle began making her way back to her family's hut...she needed a few more winks of sleep, the events of her new cousin's birth yesterday had drained her a bit...they were celebrating all night.

Unfortunately...the calm serenity of the early morning was taken away from her ears as a short yet loud screech invaded her ears, causing her to jump slightly and immediately go into alert mode.

She immediately dropped her defensive state and replaced it with an annoyed slump as she noticed who had made the screeching sound...of course it was none other than Ash; Blue Eyes stood besides him.

How did they sneak up on her?

"Seriously Ash?" Gabrielle questioned the chimp as he huffed out a laugh at her expense.

"Why so jumpy today, Gabrielle?" Blue Eyes signed to his cousin as he smiled at her expense.

"Well it's not everyday I hear a screeching banshee on my morning walks ya know? What are you guys doing here anyways?" Gabrielle questioned them.

"We are going for an early morning fishing trip, you wanna join us?" Ash signed to her.

She looked between both of the chimps...the scars on her cousin's body drew her attention...maybe this little trip would finally give her the chance to get some insight on yesterday's hunt.

"Sure, just let me grab my stuff." Gabrielle said as she signed for them to wait.

After she returned with her fishing gear, the three teens had embarked on their journey to the lake.

"Hey Blue..." Gabrielle started as her cousin turned to her voice...he was seemingly zoning out for whatever reason.

"How did you get the scars?" She questioned him in a straightforward manner, even Ash had tuned into the conversation...he was not with Blue Eyes when the initial bear attack had happened.

Blue Eyes sighed as they continued walking, he then began telling the full story of his new scars to Gabrielle and Ash...the conversation would last all the way until they made it to the lake.


The trio stood at the lake as they were all fishing in their own individual spots.

Gabrielle was grateful that her cousin had survived such a ghastly bear attack, but she wasn't too happy to hear about his strained relationship with his father.

As her cousin would seem the two males would have a greater division driven between them congruently.

Alas, now was not the time to focus on that, she thought as she caught yet another fish, it was her fourth catch of the day.

"I think I'm going to win our competition today boys!" Gabrielle called out to Ash and Blue Eyes as the latter shrugged his cousin off.

"Watch and learn, Gabrielle." Blue Eyes signed before fully concentrating on the fish once more.

His eyes narrowed as he raised his spear high above his head, he was going to time the fish just right.

Right as Blue Eyes was about to strike, he lets out a surprised yelp as he was gently struck in the chest by Ash.

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