Thrown Into The Fire...

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Author Note-The next 4 chapters will be interlude chapters that explain what happened between Rise and Dawn so there aren't any unanswered questions when Dawn starts.

Muir Woods

It had been about a year since the great Ape Revolution...Caesar and Geleel had brought freedom to their army but...

The job was far from done, the humans were nothing if not persistent when it came to attacking the apes.

The humans seemingly were never going to quit until all of the apes were either exterminated or put back in cages.

The apes had no desire to be caged again, and nobody said this was ever going to be easy, so it would be a long day in Hell before they allowed the humans to put them behind cages again.

Unfortunately, what is an army without a leader? Caesar had fallen painfully sick a few weeks back, even mighty leaders can succumb to ailments; and it was at the worst time because the humans were applying EXTRA pressure as of late.

They had passed an Act that ruled the apes being in the Redwoods as an "invasive species running a muck," when the irony of everything is, the humans were the ones who stripped them away from their homes and experimented on them.

The Ape King, a title Caesar had earned in the past year for his compassion and heroism, could not be of use in battle with how ill he was, so naturally he had to appoint a leader to take his place for the time being.

Many of the ape warriors felt it should be them, mainly apes like Koba and Rocket were expecting to be appointed the new militarical leader for the apes in Caesar's absence.

However, when Caesar granted the role of Ape King for the time being to caused uproar amongst the apes.

Koba, who had proven to be just as good an instigator as he was a warrior in battle, persisted against Caesar's order and protested the fact a human was even allowed in the ape colony much as be appointed their leader.

Maurice, who was not a warrior as he was far too old and too much of a pacifist, fought in Geleel's favor, reminding Koba and those who agreed with the scarred Bonobo of Geleel's heroism and role in their freedom, he wasn't some liability, he deserved just as much respect and thanks for rescuing them from captivity as Caesar did.

Geleel had silently thanked the wise Orangutan as the decision was finalized, he would be the Ape King until Caesar was well.

Rocket didn't hold the same disparagement Koba did, he expected to lead the army for the time being but Caesar saved him from captivity, he trusted that chimpanzee with his life.

Geleel didn't even particularly care for Koba or anyone else's opinions on him being appointed as leader, he only had one thing in mind, and that was protecting the freedom of this colony.

So it was no shock that the Ape man had a sizable group of warriors perched in the trees with giant wooden spears in hand as they watched the police officers traverse through the forest below, guns poised to kill any ape they saw.

Their vehicles were all left unmanned a few yards behind them

Rocket was adjacent to Geleel as they tried to remain silent for the mission.

"Luca and the gorillas are in position." Rocket signed to Geleel who nodded.

He then turned back to his group, which ironically had Koba in it, the bonobo hated referring to this human as his leader but he wanted a reason to dispatch some human officers just as much.

"When I give the signal, drop down and attack." Geleel signed to his troop as they seemingly understood.

The ape man then drew in a deep breath as he focused on the officers below again.

 Planet of the Apes:RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now