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Harry was absorbed in the array of documents and maps spread out across the table when his phone buzzed sharply, cutting through the murmur of conversations in the safehouse. He glanced at the screen and saw Zayn's name. His expression darkened as he swiped to answer, knowing that Zayn's updates were rarely good news.

"Zayn," Harry answered curtly, his eyes never leaving the spread of papers.

"Harry, we've got a problem," Zayn's voice came through the line, tense and urgent. "I need you to listen carefully."

Harry straightened, a sense of unease settling over him. "What's happened?"

"There's been a major breach," Zayn said. "Our guys have intercepted calls and tapped into the Black Vipers' system. They've been monitoring the chatter and it's not good."

Harry's grip tightened on the edge of the table. "What do you mean? What have they found?"

"Lucas Montgomery is furious," Zayn said. "He's been contacting every high-level contact he has. He's demanding answers, and more importantly, he's put a hit out on you."

Harry's jaw clenched. "He's after me? I thought he'd be focused on getting Sloan back."

"That's the thing," Zayn continued. "He's not just looking for Sloan. He's enraged and has escalated the situation. They've pieced together that you and Tom are at the safe house. They know you're behind the kidnapping."

Harry's eyes narrowed. "How did they figure it out? We've been careful."

"It seems they managed to trace back the initial intercepts," Zayn explained. "They've been digging through communications, and they're putting pieces together faster than we anticipated. Lucas has gone from furious to vengeful. He's not just looking for Sloan anymore; he's targeting you and your entire operation."

A cold silence fell over the conversation. Harry's mind raced as he tried to process the implications. The stakes had just been raised exponentially. Not only was Sloan's safety on the line but now their entire plan was jeopardised by Lucas's relentless pursuit.

"What's the plan?" Harry asked, his voice low but steady. "How do we respond?"

"We need to act fast," Zayn said. "I've managed to get us a bit of time. They're still assembling their resources and haven't zeroed in on your exact location. But that won't last long. Lucas has mobilised his men. They'll be coming for you soon, and they'll be relentless."

Tom, who had been listening in on the conversation, stepped closer, sensing the gravity of the situation. "What's the move, Harry?"

Harry's mind worked quickly, formulating a plan under the pressure. "We need to fortify our position here. If Lucas is as enraged as Zayn says, he'll come at us with everything he's got. We need to prepare for a full assault."

Zayn's voice crackled through the phone. "I'm sending you additional intel on Lucas's movements and his planned strike. Use it to set up defences and countermeasures. And, Harry, be ready. This could get very messy."

"Understood," Harry said. "Keep me updated on any new developments."

As he ended the call, Harry turned to Tom, his expression a mask of focused determination. "Lucas is coming for us. We need to make sure we're ready for whatever he throws our way."

Tom nodded, already moving towards the weapons locker. "I'll get the team on high alert and start setting up defences. We can't afford any slip-ups."

Harry's gaze lingered on the door to Sloan's room, his mind briefly drifting to the young woman trapped inside. Her safety was part of the equation, but so was their survival. With Lucas ramping up the pressure, the need to balance both concerns was paramount.

The sound of footsteps approaching interrupted Harry's thoughts. He glanced up to see Zayn entering the safehouse, carrying a stack of documents and a grim expression.

"Here's the latest intel," Zayn said, handing over the files. "I've also got a list of possible threats and key locations we need to monitor. We need to stay ahead of them if we're going to survive this."

Harry took the documents, flipping through them quickly. The information was detailed, showing the extent of Lucas's network and their planned actions. The sense of urgency was palpable.

"We'll use this to set up our defences," Harry said, his voice resolute. "But we need to be smart. Lucas won't be coming alone, and he'll have resources we haven't counted on. Be prepared for anything."

As the team began to mobilise, the tension in the safehouse was almost tangible. Sloan, still confined to her room, had no idea of the full extent of the threat that was closing in on them. For now, Harry and Tom had to focus on securing their position and preparing for the imminent clash with Lucas and the Black Vipers.

The clock was ticking, and every moment counted. The safe house was no longer just a temporary holding place; it was about to become the battleground where the fate of everyone involved would be decided.

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