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The morning light filtered weakly through the narrow windows of the warehouse, casting a dull glow over the scattered equipment and half-finished plans. Harry had been awake for hours, his mind spinning with thoughts of the Black Vipers and the mess they had created. The tension in the room was palpable, with his crew restless and on edge, all waiting for what came next. The weight of the situation hung heavy, and Harry knew time was running out.

Zayn's voice cut through the silence, pulling Harry out of his thoughts. He was on the phone, his tone sharp and serious. Harry couldn't make out the conversation, but he could tell from the way Zayn's eyes narrowed that it wasn't good news. The entire crew had been waiting for this—some sort of communication from Lucas and his Black Vipers. And now, it had arrived.

Zayn hung up the phone and walked over to Harry. His expression was grim. "Just got off the line with Lucas' lieutenant, Liam," he said. "They know we've got Sloan, and they want to make a deal."

Harry's jaw clenched, anger simmering just below the surface. "What kind of deal?"

"They want Sloan back, obviously," Zayn said, crossing his arms. "But they're not going to give up without a fight. They're demanding the product we took—your product—back in exchange for her. They're playing it off like they're willing to negotiate, but it's clear they're trying to leverage this situation to get the upper hand."

A bitter laugh escaped Harry's throat. The Black Vipers had stolen his product first—a high-value shipment meant to secure his gang's dominance over the region. It was supposed to be their key to expanding influence, and now, thanks to a series of missteps, it had turned into a ticking time bomb. And in the middle of it all was Sloan—collateral in a power struggle she never asked to be part of.

"They want to negotiate?" Harry repeated, his voice laced with disbelief. "They've had my product for weeks, and now they want to talk? They must think we're idiots."

Zayn nodded, his face darkening with frustration. "They're desperate, Harry. The product is valuable, and they know we're not going to let them get away with it. But this is more than just about the product now. They're trying to test us, see how far they can push."

Harry's fists tightened at his sides. Lucas and the Black Vipers had always been a problem, but now, they were a direct threat to everything he'd built. He had worked too hard to let them take what was his. The thought of giving in to their demands made his blood boil. They had taken his product, humiliated his crew, and now they wanted to use Sloan to manipulate him. He couldn't let that happen.

"We're not negotiating," Harry said firmly, his voice low and dangerous. "We're not giving them anything until we get what's ours. They made the first move by taking my product, and now we're going to finish this."

Zayn nodded in agreement, though a shadow of concern lingered in his eyes. "What's the next step then? Lucas isn't going to back down, and we need to be prepared for whatever they throw at us."

Harry's gaze shifted to Sloan, who stood at the edge of the room, watching them with a quiet intensity. Her presence was a constant reminder of the stakes. She wasn't just a pawn anymore—she was becoming something more, something dangerous. Harry knew he had to tread carefully, but he also couldn't afford to lose focus. The product, his crew, his power—it all hinged on what happened next.

"She's in this now," Harry said, his voice quiet but firm. "She said she wanted to help. Well, this is her chance."

Zayn raised an eyebrow. "You're really bringing her into this?"

Harry met his gaze with a hard stare. "She's already in it, whether she likes it or not. And if she's going to be part of this, she needs to know the truth."

As if sensing the weight of the conversation, Sloan approached cautiously. She had been listening, her green eyes darting between Harry and Zayn. There was something different about her now—something stronger. She wasn't the same frightened woman they had taken from her home. She was still scared, yes, but there was a fire in her eyes that Harry couldn't ignore.

"What's going on?" she asked, her voice calm but curious.

Harry looked at her, the anger still simmering beneath the surface. He didn't want to tell her everything, but he had made a deal with her—she was part of this now.

"We've had contact with your father's crew," Harry said flatly. "They know we've got you, and they want to negotiate. But this isn't just about you anymore. It's about the product—the one they stole from us. You're collateral in a much bigger game."

Sloan's expression didn't change, but Harry could see the flicker of something in her eyes—betrayal, anger, maybe even fear. But she remained composed.

"What are you going to do?" she asked, her voice steady despite the weight of the situation.

Harry's gaze hardened. "We're going to get our product back, and we're going to make sure your father pays for what he's done. You said you were on board with that."

Sloan nodded slowly, taking it all in. She glanced at Zayn, who remained silent but watchful, then back at Harry. "And what's my role in this?"

Harry's anger flared again, though this time it wasn't directed at her. "Your role is to help us get what we came for. You said you wanted to turn against your father. Well, this is your chance. But understand this—once you're in, there's no going back. This isn't just about revenge. This is about survival."

Sloan held his gaze, her expression resolute. "I know what I'm getting into. I just want to know the truth."

There was a fire in her eyes now, a fire that matched his own. Harry's chest tightened, and for a moment, he wondered if he had made a mistake bringing her into this. She wasn't just collateral anymore—she was becoming something else. Something dangerous.

But he couldn't let that stop him. Not now.

"Fine," he said, his voice low. "But if you hesitate, even for a second, you could end up dead. This isn't a game, Sloan. It's life or death."

Sloan didn't flinch. "I'm ready."

Harry nodded, though a part of him couldn't shake the feeling that this was far from over. The Black Vipers weren't going to give up easily, and neither was he. But now, with Sloan by his side, things were more complicated than ever. The line between ally and enemy was blurring, and Harry knew that one wrong move could cost them everything.

As they prepared to move forward, Harry couldn't help but steal a glance at Sloan. She was strong—stronger than he had expected. And in the back of his mind, he wondered if that strength would be enough to help them survive what was coming.

This was far from over, and the real battle was just beginning.

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