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Harry sat in the dimly lit control room of the warehouse, his jaw clenched as he stared at the encrypted message displayed on the screen before him. The crew had been working tirelessly to unscramble the code that Sloan had managed to send. Her message was a beacon of hope, but Harry's emotions were a storm of frustration and determination.

Zayn, Tom, and a few other members of the crew were huddled around the computer, their fingers flying over keyboards as they worked on decoding the message. The air was thick with anticipation, the room lit by the glow of monitors and the occasional flicker of a cigarette.

"I'm telling you, this is exactly what we need," Zayn said, his voice edged with excitement. "If we can decipher this, we'll have a clearer picture of what's going on inside the Vipers' headquarters."

Tom nodded, his eyes focused on the screen. "She's done well to get this information. It's a risk, but if we can use it to our advantage, we might finally turn the tables."

Harry's gaze remained fixed on the screen, but his mind was elsewhere. He couldn't shake the image of Sloan's face, the way she had looked at him before being taken. It gnawed at him, a constant reminder of the stakes involved.

"Keep at it," Harry said tersely, his voice betraying his agitation. "I want that message decrypted as soon as possible."

As the team worked, Harry paced the room, his thoughts consumed by Sloan's plight. The way Louis had treated her—his possessiveness and the way he had kissed her—had ignited a fury within Harry. He was determined to get her back, not just because she was a valuable ally, but because he couldn't stand to see her subjected to that kind of treatment.

"Let's see what we have," Zayn finally said, pulling Harry from his thoughts. The decrypted message was now visible, and the room fell silent as everyone read it.

The message detailed several locations around the Vipers' headquarters, including some key areas where significant operations were taking place. Sloan had managed to gather intelligence on their upcoming plans, and it was more detailed than Harry had hoped for. It was clear that the Vipers were preparing for a major operation, one that could change the balance of power in their favour.

"This is gold," Tom said, breaking the silence. "We can use this to disrupt their plans and create an opportunity to get Sloan back."

Harry's anger flared at the thought of Sloan being caught up in this mess. It wasn't just about the information she had provided—it was about the fact that she was in danger, and he had to get her out. The way Louis had acted around her only fueled his resolve. Harry couldn't bear the thought of Sloan being mistreated, and he was determined to make sure that she would never have to face that again.

"I don't care how long it takes," Harry said, his voice steely with resolve. "We need to act on this information and get her back. No more waiting around."

Zayn and Tom exchanged glances, understanding the urgency in Harry's tone. "We'll start planning immediately," Zayn said. "We need to be strategic and hit them where it hurts. If we can disrupt their operations, we'll have a better chance of freeing Sloan and taking them down for good."

Harry nodded, his mind racing with plans and possibilities. He knew that they had to move quickly. The Vipers were not going to sit idly by, and he needed to be prepared for anything. He could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on him, but it only fueled his determination.

As the crew began to formulate their plan, Harry took a moment to step outside, needing a breath of fresh air to clear his head. The cool night air hit his face, and he looked up at the stars, trying to find some solace in their distant twinkle. The world felt both immense and incredibly small in that moment.

Sloan's face flashed in his mind—the way she had looked at him with a mixture of fear and defiance before she was taken. He had to focus on the task at hand, but he couldn't ignore the powerful emotions that surged within him. The thought of losing her, of her being forced to endure more suffering, was unbearable.

He knew that he had to be smart, to use every advantage he had. Sloan's message was a lifeline, and he would use it to its fullest. The Vipers had underestimated him, and he wasn't about to let them make the same mistake twice.

Returning to the control room, Harry joined the others in their planning. The crew was focused and determined, their previous excitement replaced with a grim sense of purpose. They were all in this together, fighting not just for their own survival, but for Sloan and the future they hoped to build.

As the plans took shape, Harry's resolve solidified. He had a clear goal now—to rescue Sloan and dismantle the Vipers from the inside. With the information she had provided, they had a chance to strike back and reclaim control.

The path ahead was fraught with danger, but Harry was ready. He had seen the lengths Sloan was willing to go to help them, and he was determined to repay that loyalty. The fight was far from over, but with Sloan's intel and their combined efforts, they had a fighting chance.

As the night wore on, the plans were finalised, and the crew prepared for their next move. Harry's focus was unyielding, his anger and determination driving him forward. The time for action had come, and he was ready to face whatever the Vipers had in store.

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