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The atmosphere in the warehouse was tense as Harry and his crew prepared for the next phase of their plan. Maps were spread across the table, and the low hum of strategy whispered between the men as they ironed out the details. Sloan could feel the charged energy in the room, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. She couldn't deny the strange pull between her and Harry, something she couldn't explain but couldn't ignore either.

As the final details were being settled, Zayn was busy making calls to coordinate the ambush at the harbour. Sloan's thoughts drifted back to Harry. Despite everything—the kidnapping, the danger—there was something about him that kept drawing her in. The moments of intense connection and heated words only deepened her confusion, and now, as they prepared for the next step, her feelings for him grew harder to suppress.

Zayn's voice cut through her thoughts. "You alright?"

Sloan forced a smile, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Yeah, just thinking."

Zayn gave her a quick look but didn't press further, returning to his calls. Sloan glanced over to Harry, who was now speaking quietly with Tom. The tension in his posture and the hard set of his jaw told her that the stakes were high.

Harry's attention shifted to Sloan as he approached. "You ready for this?" he asked, his voice all business.

Sloan nodded. "Yes. I'm ready."

He studied her for a moment, then pulled out a gun holster from his bag. "We're going to need you armed for this. You're going to carry a gun."

Sloan's eyes widened as he attached the gun to a thigh strap. She watched, heart pounding, as he crouched down and fastened the strap to her leg. His hands were firm but careful, brushing against her skin with an intimacy that startled her. The closeness of his body, the heat of his touch—it sent a shiver through her that she tried desperately to ignore.

Harry's face was inches from hers as he adjusted the strap, his breath warm against her skin. She could see every detail of his face—his sharp jawline, the intensity of his green eyes. For a moment, the world outside seemed to fall away, leaving only the two of them in a bubble of charged silence.

"Try not to let the weight slow you down," he said, his voice gruff and low.

Sloan nodded, struggling to focus on his words rather than the way her skin tingled from his touch. "Got it."

Harry straightened up, his gaze lingering on her for a moment before he turned away. Sloan was left with a rush of emotions—fear, determination, and an undeniable attraction that she couldn't quite shake. She took a deep breath, trying to steel herself for what was coming next.

The team gathered around as they finalised the plan. The Black Vipers believed they were meeting to trade Sloan for the product, but Harry's crew had no intention of honouring that deal. Instead, they would ambush Lucas's men at the harbour, retrieve the stolen product, and escape with Sloan still in their custody. It was risky, but it was the only chance they had.

"Everything's set," Zayn said as he hung up the phone. "The Vipers are ready for the swap at the harbour. They don't suspect a thing."

Sloan approached him, her nerves on edge. "Can I try again?"

Harry raised an eyebrow, clearly hesitant. But after a moment, he handed her the cigarette. "You sure?"

She nodded, trying to ignore the nerves in her stomach. Harry stepped closer, placing the cigarette between her lips. His fingers brushed her skin, and for a brief moment, their eyes locked. Sloan's heart skipped a beat as she inhaled, coughing slightly on the smoke.

Harry chuckled, a rare smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Not so easy, is it?"

Sloan tried to laugh it off, but the moment lingered. There was something about the way he looked at her—something that made her feel both vulnerable and powerful all at once. She handed the cigarette back, her fingers grazing his in the exchange.

Harry quickly snapped out of the daze, his focus returning to the task at hand. He couldn't afford to be distracted, not now. Not by her. But as he looked at her one last time, he couldn't help but wonder if maybe, just maybe, he was already in too deep.

"Let's move out," he ordered, turning away from Sloan and heading toward the exit.

The drive to the harbour was tense, the silence between them heavy with unspoken thoughts. Sloan stole glances at Harry as he drove, his features sharp in the low light. His jaw was set in determination, but she couldn't help but notice the way his green eyes flickered with something deeper, something he was trying to keep buried.

The harbour loomed ahead, the dark waters glistening under the moonlight. As they pulled up to the meeting point, Sloan steeled herself for what was to come. This was it—the moment of truth. And whatever happened next, she knew there was no turning back.

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