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The warehouse loomed in the distance, a fortress of steel and concrete that had become their sanctuary. The SUV pulled in silently, the heavy hum of its engine fading as it parked within the secured gates. Harry, Zayn, and Sloan stepped out, the cool night air hitting them as they surveyed the area. Tom was already waiting at the entrance, his expression tight, eyes scanning the surroundings as if he could sense danger even in the stillness.

The crew exchanged nods, wordless but full of understanding. The ambush had shaken them all, but the plan had worked. They had the product, and for now, they were safe. Yet, the tension remained, lingering like a storm cloud overhead.

Harry motioned for Sloan to follow him as the rest of the crew began unloading the product. "We need to talk," he said, his voice low, but with a hint of urgency.

Sloan followed, her heartbeat quickening. She could tell this wasn't just about checking for injuries. There was something else—something darker and more personal in his tone. He led her through a series of corridors, deeper into the warehouse, until they reached a private room at the back, far away from prying eyes and ears.

The room was sparsely furnished, a small table and a few chairs scattered about. A single overhead light cast a dim glow, adding to the sense of isolation. Harry shut the door behind them and turned to face her, his green eyes locking onto hers.

"Are you hurt?" he asked, his voice softer now, a touch of concern creeping in despite his usual hardened exterior.

"No, I'm fine," Sloan replied, though her voice wavered slightly. She wasn't sure if she was truly fine, but she had to stay strong—she had to prove she could handle this.

Harry nodded, stepping closer to her. His presence was overwhelming in the small room, his tall frame dominating the space. He gently took her arm, inspecting it for any signs of injury. His touch was careful, almost tender, and it sent an unexpected shiver down her spine. She found herself drawn to him, despite everything—the danger, the fear, the chaos. There was something about him that made her feel... safe. But it was more than that. It was an attraction she couldn't ignore, no matter how hard she tried.

As he moved his hands over her, checking for bruises or cuts, his eyes caught hers again. For a moment, the world outside seemed to disappear. It was just the two of them in this quiet, hidden place. The tension between them was palpable, a thread stretched tight between attraction and restraint.

But then Harry broke the silence, his voice cutting through the haze. "I need to ask you something, Sloan. About your father."

Sloan blinked, the intensity of the moment shattering as reality crashed back in. She pulled her arm away, taking a step back to create some distance between them. "What about him?" she asked, trying to steady her breathing.

"Your old boss," Harry said, his gaze never leaving hers. "The man who showed up at the harbour. Why did your father choose him specifically to get to you? There are plenty of ways Lucas could've come at you, but this... this felt personal."

Sloan's heart sank. She had been dreading this question ever since she had seen Louis at the harbour. The memories of her past relationship with him, the way they had ended things, and the confusion she had felt back then—it all came rushing back, hitting her like a wave.

"Louis..." she whispered, the name tasting bitter on her tongue. "He wasn't just my boss, Harry. He was... more than that."

Harry's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching slightly. "More how?"

Sloan took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. She hadn't talked about Louis in a long time, and even now, the memories were painful to revisit. But Harry deserved to know the truth. She couldn't keep this hidden, not if they were going to survive whatever was coming next.

"Louis was my boyfriend," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "We dated for a while. Things were good at first—really good. He was charming, smart, ambitious... everything I thought I wanted. But then, he started disappearing. He got this new job, and suddenly, he was away all the time. He wouldn't tell me much about it, just that it was important and paid well. Eventually, it got to be too much. The distance, the secrets... I couldn't handle it. So, we broke up."

Harry listened intently, his face unreadable, though his fists clenched slightly at his sides. "And you had no idea that job was with your father?"

Sloan shook her head. "No. I had no clue. My dad always kept his business separate from our lives. I never asked too many questions, and he never volunteered any information. But now... now I see the connection. Louis must have been working for him all along, part of the Vipers, doing whatever dirty work my dad needed done."

Harry's jaw tightened, anger flashing in his eyes. "So, your father used your ex-boyfriend to get to you. He didn't just want to hurt you—he wanted to control you, manipulate you. That's low, even for a man like Lucas."

Sloan felt a wave of nausea wash over her as the realisation hit her fully. Her father had employed Louis as part of his gang, knowing that if it ever came to it, Louis could be used against her. He had played her like a pawn in his twisted game, and she hadn't even seen it coming.

Tears welled up in her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. She wouldn't let herself cry over this—not now. She had to stay strong, for herself and for whatever came next.

Harry saw the turmoil in her eyes, and for a moment, his anger softened. He reached out, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure this out," he said quietly. "But you need to be ready. This isn't just about your father anymore. Louis is in this too, and if he's anything like the rest of the Vipers, he won't hesitate to come after you again."

Sloan nodded, her resolve hardening. "I'm ready. Whatever it takes, I'm ready."

Harry gave her a small nod, satisfied with her response. But as he stepped back, he couldn't shake the feeling that things were only going to get more complicated from here. Lucas, Louis, the Vipers—they were all tangled in this web of deceit, and Sloan was at the centre of it. And now, so was he.

For a brief moment, Harry considered the weight of that responsibility. He had always been ruthless, calculated, never letting emotions cloud his judgement. But with Sloan... something was different. She wasn't just a hostage or a pawn in this game. She was becoming something more, something he wasn't sure he could afford to let himself feel.

But there was no turning back now. They were in this together, and whatever came next, they would face it side by side.

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