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The studio apartment was even smaller than Sloan had anticipated. The walls felt as though they were closing in, and the single bed dominated the space, leaving little room for anything else. Sloan sat on the edge of the bed, her mind racing with the latest revelations and the precarious situation they were in.

As Sloan looked around the cramped apartment, she sighed in frustration. "It's so small," she said aloud, almost to herself. "And where exactly is Harry supposed to sleep? There's only one bed."

Harry, who had been checking his phone for updates, glanced over at her. "We'll need to share," he said simply, not missing a beat.

Sloan's eyebrows shot up. "Share? You can't be serious. This place barely fits one person, let alone two."

Harry's expression was unyielding. "It's temporary. We don't have the luxury of space right now. Sharing the bed is the simplest solution."

Sloan's frustration bubbled up. "I'm not exactly thrilled about the idea, you know. It's not like we're in a romantic situation."

Harry's gaze was steady. "I'm not thrilled about it either, but it's a practical solution. We need to focus on the bigger picture right now."

Sloan huffed, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on her. The reality of their circumstances was beginning to sink in. The threat from Lucas Montgomery's forces was real, and they needed to stay alert and united.

As the evening settled in, Sloan found herself growing more comfortable with the idea of sharing the bed. The smallness of their quarters, combined with the looming danger, forced her to confront her feelings head-on. She knew that bickering over a bed was trivial compared to the real issues at hand.

Lying on the bed, Sloan turned to face Harry. The space was tight, but they had managed to make it work. The silence between them was charged with a mix of tension and unspoken understanding.

Sloan took a deep breath, her mind finally settling on a course of action. "Harry," she began, her voice firm, "I want you to know that I'm in. I'm 100% on board with everything against my father. I can't stand what he's done, and I want to help however I can."

Harry turned to look at her, his expression softening slightly. "You understand that it won't be easy. This isn't just about fighting him—it's about survival."

Sloan nodded, her determination clear. "I know. But I've lived a lie for so long. My father's betrayal has left me with nothing but anger and confusion. If being here with you is the way to find some kind of justice or closure, then I'm willing to do it."

Harry's gaze was steady as he took in Sloan's words. There was a moment of silence as he processed her commitment. Finally, he nodded, a small, appreciative smile on his lips. "Alright then. We'll work together. But understand, it's going to be a rough road. We need to stay focused and trust each other if we're going to make it through this."

Sloan gave a determined nod. "I understand. Let's just get through this and deal with whatever comes next. I'm ready to face it."

The two lay back on the bed, the narrow confines forcing them close together. The space was tight, but the shared resolve between them offered a measure of comfort. The night was filled with the quiet sounds of their breathing and the distant echoes of the village outside.

As they lay there, the weight of their situation pressed heavily on both of them. The village outside remained calm, but the tension within the small apartment was palpable. Sloan's thoughts were a tumultuous mix of anger, betrayal, and determination.

She glanced over at Harry, who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts. The proximity of their bodies, though uncomfortable, offered a strange sense of solidarity. For the first time since her world had been turned upside down, Sloan felt a glimmer of purpose.

This is it, she thought, her mind resolute. This is where I take control of my own fate. No more living in the shadow of lies. It's time to confront the truth and seek whatever justice I can find.

As sleep began to pull at her, Sloan's last thoughts were filled with a determination to face the challenges ahead. She had chosen her path, and with Harry by her side, she was ready to navigate the treacherous journey that lay before them.

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