Chapter 5

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It was dark, smelly, gross, and Katherine didn't like it.

This was definitely the upper class Katherine coming out. She was so used to her fathers mansion, or she and Jacks cozy little apartment, so let's be honest here, she didn't like motels. Heck, she barely could tolerate Texas, but she'd never say that out loud, that would just give Jack another excuse for them to go back to New York.

Katherine went to unpack the car, until she was stopped abruptly by a strong, yet gentle hand to her back, that belonged to Clyde Barrow. "Get your nightwear, clothes for tomorrow, and any other necessities. Leave the rest in here." Clyde said. Katherine have him a questioning look. "Just incase we have to make a run for it during the middle of the night. We don't have enough time to be packing our stuff. We need to get out and go."
Katherine nodded and did what Clyde told her, telling Jack to do the same.

After Clyde and Bonnie chose the rooms, the two couples said goodbye and made their ways to their own rooms.
Once Katherine and Jack made it in their room, Jack immediately plopped on the bed, not bothering to change out of his sweat drenched clothes from the Texas heat.
"Hey!" Katherine called. "Get up and change! I'm not sleeping with a human sweat towel."
"Then go sleep somewhere else." Jack mumbled.


"Impossible! Impossible you are Jack Kelly!" Katherine frowned, changing into her nightgown.

"Whatever." Jack mumbled again.

Katherine sighed, and decided to take a step outside for some fresh air. She wasn't in the mood to deal with Jacks stubbornness. Much to Katherine's surprise, she saw Clyde standing there shirtless, smoking a cigarette.
"Hiya Clyde." Katherine said bubbly, examining Clyde's torso. And woah, was it muscular. Katherine wanted to touch it, but she knew she had to keep her hands to herself.
"Well, hello there, Ms. Katherine. Whatcha doing out here?" Clyde said, returning the smile.
Katherine sighed, walking closer towards him.
"Jack was being stubborn and I didn't want to deal with it."
Clyde laughed. "Bon is a lot like that too. She always thinks she's right."
"All women think like that, Clyde. Not just Bonnie." Katherine smiled.
Clyde nodded. "You smoke, Katherine Plumber?" He asked, offering her a cigarette.
"Lord no." She said pushing it away.

"You wanna try?"

No, smoking was bad. It make you sick. And should she really put all her trust in Clyde Barrow? I mean, following him around is
Bad enough, she didn't need to be smoking with him. Who knows what kind of stuff is rolled up in that?
Do not do it Katherine!!
Her conscious screamed at her, and she was keen on listening to it, but Clyde... Oh Clyde... His eyes seemed so inviting to her, and the dim light over him made him look irresistible. It's like, by giving her one look, he took control over her. She couldn't help but to give into him.
She took the cigarette from him and held it in her two fingers to her mouth and allowed Clyde to light it for her. With the first breath she began coughing. Yeah, smoking definitely wasn't her thing.
"You alright?" Clyde laughed patting Katherine's back gently as she finished her coughing fit.
She nodded and wiped some water from her eyes. "Smokings not my thing, Clyde." She said while throwing the cigarette on the ground and stepping on it.

"It's alright." He whispered, his hand trailing from the top of her back, down her arm, and to her hand, squeezing it softly. Katherine cocked her head to the side a bit and sighed with a smile.

What are you doing?! Your boyfriend and Clyde's girlfriend are right inside these two rooms! You're out of your mind! Her conscious screamed at her for the second time that night. She knew she was wrong, but she couldn't bring herself to stop him. Maybe there really was something in that one breath of smoke, or maybe she was just drunk on Clyde's presence.
"Has anyone told you you're beautiful lately?" Clyde asked, grabbing her other hand and pulling her close.
"Nobody has today." Katherine smiled.
"So I get to be the first?" Clyde asked, returning a bright smile.
Katherine nodded.
Clyde brought her hand up to his face and kissed it gently.

"You're beautiful, Ms. Plumber."

AN: SO SORRY THE BEGINNING SUCKED SO BAD BUT OOOOHH!!!!! Now it's both couples?! Huh. ;))))
Hope you guys enjoyed, and a huge THANK YOU to all of you for giving me such positive feedback!! I'm so thankful for it!!


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