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She looks at me with her blue eyes, a sense of confusion built into them as if she didn't hear me, or maybe she thinks I have lost my brain that now I am letting her go–no, run. But I also know that this woman has an idea that I don't do anything without thinking about it.

Somewhere she sensed my plan but her eyes say that she would give it a try. Ranvi is born into a society where they had molded her the way they wanted to. She has been surrounded by lies which is why now she can barely rely on anyone—including me. Clear but blurred memories taking every corner of her brain, and now that she has known half of the truth it's working like a slow poison.

Perfect to ruin her physically and mentally.

“Why? Are you scared that I might catch you? Which I definitely will.” Her hands clenched her pajamas, giving a perfect indication that she is worried or terrified or maybe both, but I liked the confidence.

“No. I know my capabilities, and I am not someone who will doubt myself. You worry about yourself. I assume you will send your men behind me, and if you do that…trust me it's not going to help the situation.” I matched her gaze, looking deep into her, so her brain made sure to make some mistakes, and It's easy to catch her.

“I don't need them, I can easily sense you.”

“Very not funny.” She pulled out sarcastic laughter.

“You are not allowed to go to the press or pull out some ridiculous stunt. If you do, make sure to remember about your family.” She clenched her teeth as if she were holding herself from landing a punch on my face.


Taking a deep breath, she let go the hold of her pajamas and spoke. “Why are you doing this?” Her words were meant to be thrown at me with anger but rather it comes out as a whisper.

“Of course because you aren't ready to hear my truth and have probably built a castle of your assumptions. Not to forget, your threat of running away so now run.” She took a few steps back, running her hand across her silky straight hair and cursing, but I ignored it all, I was too occupied by how she feels fucking adorable with the vermilion in her hairline is enough to drive me nuts.

At this point, my cock should cooperate with the situation, but it does not help and gets erect every time my eyes fall on the vermilion in her hairline that says one thing.


While I have been waiting to colour my hands with Fabio's blood after he sent a letter to her—to my wife and those dresses too. I will twist his neck then send his body to his family.

“I will never hear you—” I cut her off midway.

“Why? Because you are scared that your heart would trust me unlike your brain?”

Ranvi: his undeniable amour| 18+ (Duet #02)Where stories live. Discover now