xvi. 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥

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real life;tyla

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real life;

tyla sat in the bathroom sink, putting eyeliner on, her hand trembling so she had to wipe it down and retake it for the sixth time.
performances were always frightening her in some way, and probably she would never get over it. and somehow it was what kept her going.

she was deep in her thoughts, so when she heard a knock on the door she almost fell backwards out of the bathroom sink.
she quickly gathered herself and got up to open the door.

"this is the quickest thing i could find, and i thought it might match," olivia said out of breath, holding a purple guts world tour shirt in her hands.
it was a suprise to tyla that she found something this quickly when her wardrobe malfunctioned fifteen minutes ago.
"you're my savior, i'll give it back to you after the show," tyla said, thankfully taking the shirt.
"don't worry, you can keep it," olivia waved her off.

"is, uhm, is gracie already here?" tyla asked hesitatingly.

"yeah, i just stopped by. she has twenty minutes at six thirty and you have twenty at seven. and i'll be on at eight fifteen." olivia explained her the schedule while turning her back to tyla so she could change.

"well, don't you look so adorable in my merch? i love it," olivia said, taking tyla's hand and making her spin.

"let's go and watch gracie's set, hm?" olivia took her hand and the two walked back stage, watching gracie perform her set.

again tyla felt like she was in a trance and it was only her and gracie. the way she moved so elagent around, her mesh dress twirling as she turned and the way she waved into the crowd was captivating to tyla.

"she's great isn't she?" olivia said, watching tyla with a smirk.

"yea, truly amazing," the girl answered. she didn't notice how ever that her hand still laid in olivia's.

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