Chapter 9. Finally!

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Dani's Pov

We all received our pay cheques from Sir Greg and we immediately left the Cafe in search of a new job.

We looked around restaurants and Cafes in central Manila but still couldn't find job vacancies that had good pays, most of the jobs available were either cleaners, security officers, gate men etc.

Then we decided to apply at different firms and companies. Even though we couldn't afford much, we made it through school and graduated with degrees.

" Guys are you sure we'll be hired in a firm besides we didn't further our studies to Masters or PhD levels...I don't think we stand a chance". I said with frustration written all over my face.

We stood beside the road looking so helpless

"Let's not loose hope guys... we can actually find a better job this time instead of working as a waitress or waiter at a cafe or restaurant". Kara replied and she held my shoulders and smiled at me.

"Let's continue walking guys...I think there are more companies to check out in front". Gael added and we all sighed heavily.

Gael's motorcycle was spoiled and we had to save up our money before getting a new job so we couldn't use the public transport.

I sighed again as I placed my two hands on my hips. Then I continued walking.

We finally got to a company and we proceeded to entering inside after being questioned by the guards at the gate.

We headed to the reception area

"Hi good morning, we would like to ask if there are any vacancies in this company even though it's an administrative position". I asked the lady at the reception desk dressed in a formal black gown.

She stared at us with so much disdain before responding to my question.

"First of all, you can't apply for a job looking so informal and uncoordinated". She replied bitterly and continued working.

I glanced at Kara and Gael , they looked super frustrated.

Then I spoke up again

"Ma'm please we really need jobs...we lost our old jobs just today so we really needed to find new jobs that's why we didn't bother to change into something formal". I said and I placed my two hands together pleading seriously.

The lady didn't reply

Gael, Kara and I exchanged worried glances and we stood awaiting the lady's reply.

"Submit your Résumés then I'll take it to the HR department for them to assess it properly...the company is in need of staff at the operations management department". The lady replied hastily.

" Thanks so much". We replied simultaneously and surprisingly the lady laughed.

We exchanged excited glances.

She took our résumés and arranged them in a folder.

"By the way, I'm Carrie". She introduced herself and she gave us a warm smile.

"I'm sorry I was mean to you guys...I'm just stressed about work and everything". She said remorsefully

"It's fine Carrie... thanks again". Gael replied and he shook her hand

We introduced ourselves and after a little chit chat with her, we bade her goodbye.

We decided to enter the public transport because we were all exhausted.

" Finally guys... we'll get decent jobs with good pays". I said and I jumped for joy.

Kara and Gael smiled at me and we all hugged.

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