Chapter 5 - Day 2 - 5:30 AM

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Hello Everyone! TheCuriousVulpix Here!

I - thankfully - don't have much to say about anything at this moment in time, except for apologies on how short this chapter is, so let's just get to the main reason why you're all here.

I hope you have a great (Insert Time Frame that best suits you here)! - TheCuriousVulpix

(Name) - YOU or your character's name
(B/R/A) - Your preferred Breakfast, it can be anything, as long as it isn't too out there.
(Dominant) - The Main hand you or your character writes with [Note - you can be Ambidextrous, although you will have to choose a hand at certain moments]

Time passed since Conversion to Mage Beast:

24:20:05 (Hours:Minutes:Seconds)


(Name) POV

The light from the window starts to shine at my eyes, and annoyingly I wake up, blink and rub my eyes, and stare at my paw.

...Even after a full day and a forceful realization that this is all real, I still can't comprehend that this is my new reality now... '*Sigh* I really should start trying to figure out how this body of mine works.'

I climb out of my bed, and look around the room for anything I can use to test my abilities, and eventually settle on a couple of extra pillows and wooden sticks, and set them in a manner that allows me to strike at them without damaging everything else. 'Alright, now let's see how my abilities work, let's start with Scratch.'

The moment I think of the word Scratch, I feel the claws pop out of my (Dominant) paw, and slash at the stick with attempted precision, and get a decent hit on it, not enough to break it, but enough to leave a mark.

'Alright, now that mind pain thing, what was it that Natalie called it? I think she said Confusion?'

A purplish glow appears around my (Dominant) paw as I hold it up towards the pillow, as a small wave strikes the pillow, not doing much, but now that I'm focused on the pillow, it now has a purple glow as well. 'Huh, that's new, but familiar. Hmmm, maybe I could..'

I lift my paw upwards, and the pillow slowly floats up, almost as if I had grabbed it and lifted it up with something else.

'Well, it looks like my idea did somewhat work, other psychic types probably already knew about this before I did, but this can certainly be helpful later!'

[(Name) learn the basics of Telekinesis!]

Knocking comes from the door, startling me and causing the pillow to drop to the ground, "You up (Name)?" I hear Black call out, and quickly rush to open the door with a small "Yup, I'm up!"

I probably look a tiny bit frizzled, as he chuckles at my appearance and notes "Yeah, you definitely just got up, anyways the rest of the team is waiting at the cafeteria, so let's get a move on." I nod, and follow after him, but before I do so, I turn around, grab my journal and set it under the table, so no one can take it easily, before rushing after Black.

The cafeteria door is already open, so I immediately head in and over hear a conversation that has seemingly been going on for a time.

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