Chapter 1 - Day 1 - 3:13 PM

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Author's Note - Hey Y'all! Didn't really expect to see a good chunk of people read this little story at all, and I don't mind

Now starting off, I'll be putting what your names are and region you come from with their own retrospective wording.

Also, Just like in a game all about Ghost Tricks, I will have the exact time each chapter and moment start on, although I may forget at times, I will try my hardest to remember.

Well, I believe this is enough specified now, Let the story commence - TheCuriousVulpix

*I do not own any of the artwork that appears in this Chapter*

(Name) - Your or your character's Name
(R/N) - What region (Name) Came from
(D/H) - Your character's or your Dominant Hand (If you can use Both perfectly, just choose one of them.)

Time passed since Conversion to Mage Beast :

Unknown POV (3rd Person)

It's been 2 hours since the crash, and after a bit of a stumble, (Name) wakes up from the crash site, a bit dazed but still alive.

(Name) POV (First Person)

. . . GAH

That certainly hurt for a moment, As I shake my head, trying to gather my thoughts, and try to peace together what in the name of any Deity Beast just happened. I Blink a couple of times, trying to clear out whatever was in my sight lines - which seemed to be a bit of dust - and slowly began to get my bearings on where I am, and what occurred.

I seem to be on the remains of the Road the bus was traveling on, crumbled and fractured, but still together and standing, a couple of trees are laying on the road, which signifies that it might be those trees that caused the destruction of this bridge, and asides from that, everything is seemingly fi- WAIT A MINUTE, DID THAT BUILDING JUST COLLAPSE AND ARE THOSE SCREAMS!?!?

Alright, it looks like I was completely wrong, and something as ABSOLUTELY occurred here, and I don't know if it's just me, but I don't feel alone at all.

"H-Hello? Anyone else here?" I call out, not sure if anyone would respond to my simple yet hopeful question.

Silence, although for a few moments

"OI! Over here, Need a bit of help Here!" A very calm yet gruff voice calls out, almost as if someone is responding to said query is nearby, As I look over, I view where the voice is coming from.

Underneath a car seems to be someone there, due to the dark I can't really tell, and As I begin to slowly head over there, I softly notice the bus, that was one in a fine condition is now in a terrible one, broken windows, completely on it's side, and a couple of holes clean through the bottom of the bus. I could only imagine the damage on the top of it, as I process the new information given, the same Gruff voice calls out again.

"OI, Beasty! Can you try to lift this thing, even a tiny bit so I can move my arms a tiny bit? Or at least try, either or." Beasty? There's no way I am one. What is this guy even thinking, calling another person a beast? My thoughts state, as I slowly try to lift the car with my arms, it isn't much but it's enough for the person to push the car up and over himself - that's what I keep on getting from their voice, and- wait.

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