Chapter 12

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(Read Me) -->

The group waited for what felt like hours before Felix managed to return. He had swum faster than normal to get back to the trio he'd left temporarily.

He quickly swam through the door of his hideout. Slumping against the door, catching his breath. "Xwedêyo... Difikirîm ku ez ê tu carî ji wan nobedaran dûr nekim..." he muttered as he caught his breath. 

He looked up to see Peter staring at him, his gaze filled with defense and accusation. Felix had a good idea of why Peter was staring him down.

"Sic, princeps es in Mare Regency. Dicendum non putas?" Peter stated in Latin that he knows well that Felix knows the language and can understand him. 

"Bene..." Felix hesitated. 

"Bene, Quid? Haec duo incolumes servare conor et ab omni regia auctoritate devita." Peter's tone got harsh. "Nonne dixisti nobis regium esse?!" Melody quickly ran to Peter's side. 

"Hey... Calm down... He should have told us, but maybe he had a reason not to... Like how there are certain things you don't share..." She looked at Felix. "Recte? Causam habuisti cur te nobis principem dicere noluisti?" 

Felix quickly nodded, "Ita. Ita. Rationem habui..." 

Peter's anger simmered, "Quare non indicasti nobis?"

"Quia non placet," Felix stated. His face betrayed him, showing his vulnerability and despair. "Electionem mihi non dederunt..." He sunk to the ground, arms wrapped around his tail.

"Exspecta... Principem te esse cogebant?! Nonne libertas illa violat, unum mare Regentia spondet?" Andy was shocked. While waiting for Felix, he came across a book in Latin that stated the Sea Regency's values. Freedom was listed as a guarantee.

Peter realized something. "Quam ob rem contumaciter cum custodibus es ... annon?" 

Felix nodded, "Saepe fugio. Venio huc ut illos evadam..." He looked at them. "Custodes autem me semper capiunt et reducunt me..."

"Si non sapiunt... Cur adoptatus es in Regentiam? Nonne rex Regentiae haeredem iam habuit?" Andy asked. He knew that it was often unheard of for a non-royal of any kind to just be adopted into royalty.

"Non... facit, sed est "Allergic ad aerem"... habet quaestiones cum aere, et si rex esset, deberet ire ad Regnum Forestum pro negotiis et conventibus regiis."

"Allergic ad aerem?" Peter asked.

"Pulmo eius aerem spirare non potest. "Puer fragilis" in mari manere habet." Felix sounded more frustrated. "Bene ob hoc "fragilem principem" ego heres in regentia adoptatus sum, cum heres esse non posset."

Peter's anger turned into a form of understanding, "Well... Now I can understand why he didn't tell us earlier..."

"Well, just think Peter. I'm sure there are things you haven't told me or Andy, so you have an understanding." Melody started to explain. "Perhaps for Felix, talking about this is like you talking about... your lack of horns."

"We do not talk about that..."

"And I know that because it's a touchy topic for you. The same goes for Felix." Felix perked up hearing his name but didn't know what was happening as English was still foreign to him.

While Melody talked to Peter, Andy, like he normally does, was thinking. Stratigizing. Soon he got an idea. "Hey Felix?"

"Hm?" Felix got up and swam to Andy.

"Ideam accepi, et status tuus in Mare Regency utiles esse potuit." Andy stated, as he wrote a plan in his journal, which his bubble protected from the water.

Felix was confused, not seeing eye-to-eye. "Quomodo..?"

"Simplex. Ut princeps in regentia, saepe petere potes scientiam rerum regiarum ius?" He asked.

Felix thought for a moment. "Bene, saepe me docent de praeterito regie, ut sciam de rebus hodiernis..." He pondered for a second. "Sed, cum cives Silvarum Regni es, quod propinquus est particeps maris Regentiae, tunc explorare vel circumspicere potui, ut aliqua indicia pro vobis guys acciperem."

Andy considered something. "Bene, sicut informationes indigemus, ita circumspicientes non sunt necessariae sed gratiae auxilium."

"What are you two planning?" Peter asked Andy.

"Well, since Felix is a prince AND on our side, he said he might be able to get useful information for us."

"Like if a certain queen we know sends guards here or has the Regency looking for us." Melody pipped in.

"Exactly." Felix nodded along. While he didn't know what exactly they were saying, he figured it was about him getting information.

"Ergo... adiuvare nos vis?" Peter asked Felix. He knew they were asking a lot of him.

"Scilicet! Hanc vitam stressful paulo plus fun." Felix said with excitement. "Quid scire debes? Ut youll 'adepto aliqua notitia."

The trio, thankful to have Felix on their side, started to formulate their plan and figure out what information would be needed.

Felix was excited. Helping the trio and basically being a spy for them filled him with excitement. Finally, some rambunctious excitement that was stripped of him in his forced life. 

He looked at Peter, who he felt like he had seen somewhere before. He was just glad that someone else could somewhat relate to what he was going through. 

It was a small, but pleasant change. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2024 ⏰

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