Ch. 9: A Fresh Coat Of Paint!

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Jake gave them the tour of the place, where numerous guild members were all a flurry of activity still. He pointed out at the renovation work at the center arcane consoles, where a ratfolk was nibbling on his tail as he threaded new wiring into the panel, ears pressed back against his head in utter focus. A female wolven held a light for him, and threaded wiring up into the box, where she tidied it up and gave an enthusiastic thumbs up.

"As you can see, we have the biggest tasks mostly done. Silly little gilded rats took up residence so we chased them away, sealed up their little burrows, and are rewiring. You'll have a healthy dose of arcane power for all your needs," Jake announced as they walked by. Fiona couldn't help but feel ecstatic. This could have been weeks of work! She doubted that she and Bonnie, or even Greg could have done this with such immense speed.

"Over here," Jake continued with a flourish of his hand, "we've set up some cleanup of the tiling, buffing, fixing cracks. Not a big issue, but presentation is everything. You'll have plenty of space to set up shop with your displays. Bonnie's shop will have a nice round display, access to extra arcane power, and a designated mixing zone for any alchemy projects to avoid any spills or other messes, plus safety wash showers. We also have set up a small fabrication bench for any rune work that comes in."

"Jake, you're awesome!" Bonnie beams wildly, and almost skips along. "Thank you so much for this, I don't know how I can repay you guys–"

"Don't, please. You've done pro bono work for rune enchantments for my guys, and saved a lot of lives with defensive enchantments over the past year, Bonnie. All of this, while still working on your professional certificate for mage work!" Jake said with a gentle wave of his huge hands. Fiona thought, if she ever did start dating Jake, she would never have issues opening pickle jars again! "Anyway, you have both pulled your weight and made positive impressions on the adventurers guild. Fiona in particular. I can't believe there's no way out of this stupid bill for you." he added while waving to her.

"King Lack-of-Beard has it in for me! I must have pissed him off in some way. Was I mean to him at some point? Pfft. I doubt it. I'm only mean to things that try to kill me, or eat me. Even then, sometimes I just smother them in hugs!" Fiona said with an emerging smile.

Don't smother me with hugs, Fiona. You might get rug burn," Jake pushed back with a hearty laugh.

"Nonsense, you're a smooth coat wolven! Unlike that other guy I knew, who I went out with for a week. Yeesh. That was a little awkward, no offense meant toward him, but he was charmingly awkward and oblivious to me and he–" Fiona started talking too fast and knew her cheeks were getting all flushed, because Jake laughed even harder, and Bonnie had to fight back the urge to join in. "Anyway, so what about the staging?"

"Oh, I got some guys already grabbing the stuff, Greg had something sketched. I think you had some ideas, too? You realize this might take a couple of days," Jake said while taking a look at a sketch she had out of her vest pocket. He made a contented sound, and looked impressed. "Alright, then. That'll work."

"Hang on, don't you need a merchant license?" Bonnie asked, and Fiona smiled.

"I'm picking it up tomorrow, I have to pass a written test, and then they'll accredit me for running the business. Now, your place will be independent, so I think you need a license, too?"

"Oh yeah, I did that already, you can get them in advance, I also showed them the business plan and numbers!" she said with a quick check of her arcanist notepad, and checked off something on the paper. Or screen? Fiona couldn't tell which it was, magic and technology seemed to flow together in this world, and she just had to roll with it. "It was a breeze. You literally can't fail, unless you try to commit fraud on the test."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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