dino - drunk

565 27 0

word count : 645


"is that channie?" you ask when you notice a guy, who looks exactly like your boyfriend, walking through the house. you giggle, "he looks exactly like my channie."

"jesus christ, how are you not sober yet? did someone give you more alcohol?" seungkwan questions and grabs one of the many solo cups in front of you. he sniffs the drink and sighs, "who gave y/n more alcohol?! she's cut off! move the jungle juice somewhere else," he scolds and takes away your cup, replacing it with a cup of water.

chan walks into the kitchen and immediately goes over to you. "baby, you feeling okay?" he asks you.

"you can't call me that! you're not my channie!" you say to him and turn away. "seungkwan! help me!" you plead.

seungkwan groans in annoyance. "hey, just take her home already," he says to chan.

"i have to wait for her to sober up and realize that i'm actually myself. she'll scream if i try to carry her," chan replies.

"hey, you!" you shout at chan, earning some attention from the people around you. "don't think about touching me! i'll throat chop you!"

chan looks around at whoever is listening, but most people already know the two of you are dating or know how you can get when you're drunk. others explain the situation to those who don't know.

"baby..." chan sighs, "it's me. your channie," he says to you and grabs a new cup from a plastic sleeve. he pours water in from a gallon jug and places it on the table. he doesn't realize that you already have a water cup because there's about twenty cups on the table. "drink some water."

you stare at chan, trying to figure out if he is your boyfriend or not. "you're my channie?" you ask.

he smiles, "yea, it's me baby. now drink." he picks the solo cup up and puts it into your hands.

you manage to drink some water without spilling it everywhere and continue to hold the cup in your hands. chan looks around the kitchen, trying to find snacks or just something for you to nibble on. however, most of the food is already gone, and he doesn't know who lives in the house, so he doesn't want to take their snacks.

"hyung, is there anymore food?" chan asks seungkwan.

seungkwan looks over, "i think some other people ordered more pizzas, but i'm not sure," he answers before returning to a conversation with joshua.

chan goes back to you and sees you finishing the water in your cup.

"here, i got it," chan says and takes your cup from you. he pours more water into the cup for you.

"thanks," you reply. you get the cup back and drink some more. "hehe," you start laughing.

"what's so funny?" chan asks you.

"you look like my channie."

chan raises an eyebrow.


"i do, huh?" chan replies. "drink some more water," he says to you. he grabs a folded up chair that is against a wall and unfolds it. he sits down next to you and turns his body to face you. "so i look like your channie?"

you nod, "yup. you're an exact copy of him." then you gasp. you lean in towards him, "are you an alien?"

chan leans in too, "an alien?" he replies.

"because you're an exact copy of him. did you come from outer space?" you question.

he shakes his head, "i'm not an alien. i'm your channie. i promise you that."

"ah, you're right. my channie would never be an alien. he's too handsome to be an alien," you say.

chan chuckles, "yea, you're right." he rests his elbow on the table and leans his head against his hand. you drink some more water as chan watches over you. he thinks to himself with a grin.

silly girl.

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