joshua - translator

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word count : 908


"excuse me?" you look up and see a guy standing in front of you. "hi, i'm joshua. i'll be your translator for this interview," he greets, holding his hand out to you.

"oh, hi. nice to meet you," you say and shake his hand. "will you be sitting next to me?" you ask.

he nods, "yea. with how the camera is, i won't be seen on tv," he mentions. "if you need any explanations, just let me know. i'm sure you've seen most of the questions already."

"actually, i haven't seen any of them yet. i know the usual questions though, so i should be fine," you say to him.

"you sure you don't want a peek?" he offers, holding out a stack of papers that he has in one hand.

" peek wouldn't hurt," you reply, making both of you laugh.

joshua hands you some papers from the stack. the  papers are filled with interview questions with the english translation sitting beneath each question.

"i doubt we'll have enough time to go through all of these. it's just the ones that some of the staff wrote," joshua says to you. "oh, i marked these out," he mentions, "these are about you. these are about your concert. the ones at the bottom are kind of obscure questions."

you look over the questions for a bit and hand the papers back to joshua.

"thanks," you say to him.

"yea, no problem. i'll be going now. i'll see you out there," he says with a smile.

"okay, see ya," you reply.

joshua leaves the room. you look over the schedule while your manager checks over some things with the stage crew. one of your stylists fixes your makeup while another one fixes your performance outfit since one of the appliqués got loose from a different performance.

eventually, the show starts and you wait for your cue. when it's your turn, you walk on stage, waving to the audience before greeting the host.

you go through simple introductions and listen to the host talk about you and your new song that you're promoting. you can't understand most of what the host is saying, but while the host is talking, joshua comes out and sits next to you.

the interview goes smoothly since joshua translates everything for you, and the host is a really nice person. the studio audience seems to love you, which makes you feel happy knowing that you have fans in another country.

after the interview, you change into another outfit and get ready to perform your new song as well as one of your songs from your last mini album.

you have a ton of fun performing with your crew and end your appearance on a high note. the host says a few more things before another break happens.

"excuse me, these are from the crew," joshua says, appearing in the hallway when you go further backstage. he holds a gift bag with the show's logo on it.

"oh thank you!" you immediately reply as joshua hands the bag to you, "this is so sweet of everyone." you peek in the bag and see a few items. "please give everyone my gratitude. everyone here is so nice, and i'm really glad that you were my translator today."

joshua smiles at you, "glad i could help. i'm trying to work my way up, so maybe i'll see you at another recording."

"i'll just ask if there's a joshua at all of my shoots while i'm here then," you say to him, leaving the two of you laughing.

"well, if you need a translator for anything else. i could probably find time," he suddenly offers.


"wait, are you being serious now?"

"you're the one that just offered to be my translator!" you laugh. "okay, you're coming with me! let's see if my manager agrees," you say and grab his arm.

"i'm confused."

you and joshua sit on the couch in his apartment. you have takeout containers on the table and a notebook in your hands with all of your notes for learning new words. both your handwriting and joshua's handwriting are littered all over the pages, and it makes you surprised how you can still read everything.

"you say that a lot when i teach you," joshua says to you. you lightly smack his arm. "okay, ow."

"you're too buff for that to hurt," you say to him. you circle the word you're having trouble on with a pen. "how am i saying it wrong?" you ask.

"you're saying this word instead of that," joshua says, pointing to two words on the page. "actually, it sounds like you're in between these two sounds. i guess you kind of have an accent if anything."

you groan, laying your head on his lap. "i give up learning. my brain is too fried with all of the languages i've been using lately."

"hey, you're supposed to have this interview all on your own, remember?" joshua says, moving your notebook onto the table.

"it's your fault for having to be on that music video shoot."

"i'm sorry that i got a better job?"

"that doesn't sound sincere."

joshua leans in and kisses you. "i'm sorry that i can't accompany my very smart and talented girlfriend to her recording at a music show while her boyfriend is working on a music video set."

"you owe me more kisses."

he chuckles, "you got it."

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