word count : 1,494
"is that y/n?" you turn around and see some of your brother's friends stopping in the middle of the sidewalk when they notice you.
"you're all dressed up," seungcheol comments, noticing your outfit.
"uh, i'm going out," you mention and put your lip gloss in your bag.
"going on a date?" mingyu immediately fires questions at you. "with who? does wonwoo know?"
you roll your eyes, "does my brother need to know everything? do you guys need to know everything? geez." you turn away and start walking down the block.
the trio stay where they are and watch you. "should we tell wonwoo?" mingyu asks seungcheol and seokmin.
"i wanna see who she is going on a date with," seokmin replies as he untwists the top to a drink he had bought at the convenience store a few minutes prior. "you guys wanna come with?" he asks before taking a sip.
"as long as you don't yap and blow our cover. one of you text and say we aren't going to the court," seungcheol replies.
"let's wait here for a second before following her," mingyu says and takes his phone out of his pocket. "i'm texting wonwoo."
"y/n is gonna kill you if she finds out that you're the one who told wonwoo," seokmin says to him.
"what if the guy is a total dickhead?" mingyu replies as he texts in a group chat. "okay, texted wonwoo," he says.
seungcheol looks down the block and no longer sees y/n. "hey, ask wonwoo if he has y/n's location. we might lose her," he says before jogging away. seokmin and mingyu follow seungcheol down the block.
seungcheol makes it to the end of the block and looks around to see y/n already across the street. she walks down a street with her phone in hand and a smile on her face.
"didn't she reject someone recently? maybe she's had a secret boyfriend!" seokmin suggests as they start walking down the street, opposite to the sidewalk y/n is walking on.
"secret boyfriend? she's really bad at keeping secrets," mingyu says, "remember when she spoiled your's and vernon's birthday party?"
"vernon didn't even remember that she spoiled it," seokmin reminds him.
seungcheol laughs, "that was funny though."
"guys, the group chat is blowing up," mingyu says as he looks at his phone. suddenly, seungcheol grabs the back of his shirt to hold mingyu back from crossing the street. "oh shit, thanks."
"what's everyone saying?" seungcheol asks.
mingyu looks at the multitude of texts that keep coming in. not everyone has texted so far, but the guys are surprised at y/n going on a secret date with someone.
"they can't believe it. wonwoo says that y/n hasn't said anything," mingyu says.
seungcheol looks up, "keep walking," he instructs all of them and they do so.
seokmin stays in the front and looks for y/n across the street, making sure she's visible. seungcheol reads off of mingyu's phone.
"no wonder," wonwoo says as he reads the text messages on his phone.
jeonghan shoots a basketball and it goes through the net, making a bit of a swish noise. "no wonder what?" he asks and starts walking across the court to grab his basketball.

seventeen imagines ii
Hayran Kurgujust like the first one - start : 07/17/2024 finish : _