woozi - lesson

574 22 0

word count : 633


"ah...that's not right."

woozi gently adjusts your fingers that settle against the keys of his keyboard. both of you sit side by side in his studio.

"remember, we're playing major chords, so they sound happy. going down a half step makes the chord sound like it's in a scary movie," he says to you, moving your fingers to show you the keys. you nod as you listen to him. "okay, try."

you play the chord. then, you look over at woozi who nods his head.

"try the next one," he says to you, nodding his head to the piece of paper on the stand. you look at the drawn chords that woozi has written for a song and move your fingers. you play the next chord but don't feel confident, so you wait for him to say something. "good. you got it."

"what does all of this stuff mean?" you ask, pointing to symbols on the paper.

"ignore all of that for now. it's for the song," woozi says to you. "okay, play this one," he instructs, pointing at a different chord, "and ignore the symbol next to it."

"oh, okay," you reply and look down at the keys. you move some of your fingers and look back up to make sure they're the right ones. you look down again and play the notes individually before playing them together. "was that right?"

"yup. good job, baby," woozi compliments you. "wanna take a break for a second?" he asks.

you nod, "yea. my hand is tired."

he chuckles, "you're not used to playing. i used to practice for hours when i had lessons," he says to you and places his hands on the keyboard. he starts playing a song; one that you recognize as a song he has been working on for awhile.

"it's pretty," you comment once he's done playing.

"it is, isn't it?" he replies. "wanna keep playing?" he asks you.

you point to the symbols on the sheet music, "can you tell me what all of this stuff means?" you ask him.

"basically, they make you play notes differently based on what key the song is in. so for example, if the key is in g major, then you'll have a f sharp in the scale instead of a natural one," woozi explains. "this song has a lot of sharps, so there's more changes," he adds.

"what about this?" you ask, pointing to a symbol next to one of the chords you had played earlier.

"that's a natural symbol, you would play the note normally. so for example, you would play a natural c instead of c sharp," he answers for you. "did all of that make sense?" he asks.

you nod, "mhm."

"let's play this one," woozi says, pointing to a random chord on the page. you put your fingers on top of the keys and play a chord, but it doesn't sound right to you. "move your middle finger up a half step," woozi instructs you. you do so and play the chord again. this time, it sounds correct. "good."

you keep playing different chords and woozi teaches you some more stuff. you ask questions about certain things, and woozi explains everything to you very well. after awhile, it's time for both of you to head home for the day.

"thank you for teaching me," you say to woozi as he locks the door to his studio.

"of course, baby," he replies to you. "you got the hang of it. it just takes practice," he adds.

he grabs your hand and you two start walking down the hall.

"maybe i can make a song for you," you wonder, thinking about all of the songs he has created just for you.

he smiles, "i'll be looking forward to it."

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