the8 - fire escape

464 22 1

word count : 581


"seungkwan, open up," you repeat as you knock on your friend's window, "seungkwan, don't text me an emergency text and not have the window open."

"whoever you are! i'm calling the cops!" you suddenly hear from behind the window you're knocking on.

you raise an eyebrow in confusion. "is that not 327?" you loudly ask.

then, the curtains open, revealing a guy who holds his phone in one hand. you can see the emergency phone call screen on.

"this is 306. 327 is on the other side of the building," the guy says to you. he puts his phone down and opens the window. "you didn't realize you're on the wrong side of the building?" he asks.

"it's too dark out. the lamps barely work on this street," you reply to him. "sorry about that. i'll leave," you say and start moving to go back down the fire escape.

the guy watches you for a second before speaking again, "wait." you look at the guy. he fully opens the window and gestures you to come inside. "come through here. it'd be stupid for you to go out and around again," he says to you.

"you don't even know me," you say to him, lifting your foot up from the ladder step below.

"considering i heard you calling for your friend, i highly thought you're trying to steal or hurt me," he says. "just this once."

"thanks," you say to him and walk over to his window. you climb inside to the guy's apartment. you take your shoes off as soon as you hit the ground and hold them with one hand. "nice place," you compliment as you look around the apartment.

"thanks," the guy responds. "uh, front door is right there," he says, pointing out the door to you.

"oh, thank you," you say to him. both of you walk to the front door.

you put your shoes on while the guy unlocks and opens his front door.

"sorry to bother you," you say to him. "have a good one," you say to him.

"yea, you too," the guy replies.

you leave the guy's apartment and start walking down the hallway. you look at the numbers on the doors and signage, checking that you're going in the right direction.

finally, you make it to your friend's apartment and knock on the door. after a few seconds, the door opens.

"oh, y/n, there you are," seungkwan says. "why'd you come this way? i had the window open for you," he asks, a bit confused since you almost always use the fire escape.

"i'll explain in two seconds. let me grab something from here. i'll pay you back," you say to him and run into his apartment.


you hurry into the kitchen and find a small bag of treats in a bag. you tear a piece of paper off of a notepad and write down a quick apology note before taping the note to the bag.

while seungkwan watches you and sits down at the counter, you hurry out of his apartment.

"be right back!"

you hurry down the hallway and make it back to the guy's apartment. you leave the bag of treats on the ground by his door and hurry back to seungkwan's apartment again.

once you're back in seungkwan's apartment, you close the front door. "long story short, i climbed up the wrong fire escape," you explain to seungkwan, "but the guy was kind of cute..."

"you what?!"

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