hoshi - delivery

752 20 0

word count : 506


you look at your phone screen and see your best friend calling you. "hello?" you speak when you answer the call.

"y/n, can you bring me food?" your best friend immediately asks. no greeting, just a request.

"soonyoung, i literally just walked out of school. i have work later!" you say to him as you walk through the school gates. you start walking towards your neighborhood.

"but i'm so hungry, y/n. i already ate what was in the fridge," soonyoung says to you. "come on, you know i'm suspended and grounded! i can barely get fresh air!"

you sigh, "it was your fault for punching that guy."

"he's the one who started it! you literally watched it happen."

"still, you got suspended and now you're making me do your bidding. you could just order it yourself."

"me and my family share the account. i'll get in trouble if i order something," soonyoung says to you. "please? i'll pay you back and get you food whenever you want."

you sigh, "fine. text me what you want," you say. "but nothing too expensive. i haven't gotten my paycheck from work yet," you add.

you hear soonyoung cheer, "y/n! thank you! you're the best!"

you end the call and groan before turning around and walking in the opposite direction. "i can't believe i'm doing this..." you mumble out loud as you head towards one of soonyoung's favorite food stalls.

after ordering and picking up food for soonyoung, you head to his house. you walk around and go into the backyard to find soonyoung's window. you knock on it and wait a few seconds before it opens.

"y/n! my savior!" soonyoung exclaims out of pure excitement. "i'll open the patio door. come inside," he instructs.

"okay," you reply and start walking to the patio doors. when you make it there, soonyoung is already there with the doors open. "is anyone home?" you ask him.

"no, mom and dad are working. my sister is probably shopping," soonyoung answers. he takes the bag with the food while you take your shoes off and go in. you slide the patio doors closed and go to the kitchen table. "you're seriously my savior," he repeats as he takes out the food.

"you owe me big time," you reply to him and take your backpack off. you put your backpack on the floor next to the patio doors. "who gets themselves suspended? like seriously, that's on your record."

"meh, everyone knows me as a good person. if i just explain, then people will understand," soonyoung replies. he opens some of the containers, and you can see his face light up, "this looks so good!" he cheers in excitement.

"i would bet five bucks that you ordered that last week," you say to him and open your containers.

soonyoung hands you utensils. "and you would be five dollars richer if i wasn't already buying you food next week," he says to you.

you roll your eyes. "just eat," you say to him.

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