20. They go to Sera....Thats it. Now die

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Ok don't die i love u guys. Anyway new chp (yay). Hope you enjoy cuz I feel like shit. I GOT A FYCKING 95/100 ON MATHS AND OMG MY PARENTS ARE PISSED.

Alastor’s POV:

I never thought I’d be this reluctant to leave Heaven. As Lucifer helped me make my way back to Hell, I couldn’t help but glance back at the fading golden light. Heaven wasn’t exactly my scene—too peaceful, too quiet—but I had to admit, the beds were ridiculously comfortable, and the food? Way better than I expected. Plus, having Lucifer fuss over me like a mother hen? Not a bad deal at all.

Crossing back into Hell was like stepping from a warm, cozy blanket into a furnace. The familiar heat and sulfur hit me in the face like a welcome punch. The transition from Heaven’s serene calm to Hell’s chaotic atmosphere was jarring, but weirdly, it felt like home. A dysfunctional, overly dramatic home, but home nonetheless.

Lucifer didn’t waste any time guiding me back to our suite at the hotel, his overprotective instincts kicking into high gear. “You heard the doctor—rest, relax, and don’t do anything stupid.”

I couldn’t help but grin as I plopped down onto the plush bed. “Define ‘stupid,’ because that leaves a lot open to interpretation.”

He rolled his eyes, but the corner of his mouth twitched in a smile. “You know what I mean. No getting out of bed unless it’s absolutely necessary. I’ll take care of everything.”

“Everything?” I raised an eyebrow, my grin widening. “I like the sound of that.”

Lucifer leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead. “You just focus on getting better. Sera can wait. Ghosts can wait. For now, it’s just you and me."

The next few days were a strange blend of peaceful and boring, but not in a bad way. I’d expected to go stir-crazy being stuck in bed, but with Lucifer by my side, time seemed to fly. We lounged around, talked about everything and nothing, and even snuck in a few movies—Lucifer’s guilty pleasure, though he’d never admit it.

As the days passed, I could feel my strength returning. By the end of the week, I was starting to feel like myself again—maybe even better. The wound that had nearly taken me out was healing nicely, thanks to the heavenly doctors and Lucifer’s vigilant care.

“Tomorrow’s the day,” Lucifer said one night as we lay in bed, the glow of Hell’s infernal landscape filtering through the window. “We’ll go back to Heaven for your checkup.”

I nodded, my mind already racing ahead to whatever Sera had in store for us. I was itching to get back on my feet and dive into the mission. Ghost-busting wasn’t something I’d ever imagined doing, but I had to admit, it sounded intriguing. Dangerous, sure, but also a lot of fun.

The next day, we made the journey back to Heaven. The transition was smoother this time—less disorienting—but I still couldn’t help but notice the stark contrast between the two realms. Heaven was all light and tranquility, with fluffy clouds and a calm vibe. Hell? Hell was exactly what you’d expect—hot, chaotic, and a little bit terrifying.

At the hospital, the doctors gave me a thorough checkup, poking and prodding like I was a lab rat. Lucifer hovered nearby, worry etched into every line of his face. But when the doctor finally gave us the all-clear, I saw the tension melt away from his shoulders.

“You’re fully healed,” the doctor said with a smile. “But remember, take it easy for a little while longer. Your body’s been through a lot.”

“Don’t worry, doc,” I said, hopping off the examination table with a spring in my step. “I’ll be the picture of caution.”

Lucifer snorted. “Sure you will.”

With my health officially back on track, we headed over to Sera’s office. The mood shifted as we approached her door, the weight of the upcoming mission settling over us like a dark cloud.

Lucifer’s POV

When Sera greeted us, it was with her trademark "I’m the boss" vibe. Her eyes flicked over to Alastor, giving him a quick scan like she was a security camera and he was a suspicious package. “Good to see you back on your feet,” she said, but the tone was more “I knew you’d survive; now let’s get to work.”

“Good to be back,” Alastor replied, trying to sound all serious and composed. But there was a glint in his eye that screamed, I’m excited, and I don’t care who knows it.

Sera didn’t bother with small talk. She handed us a folder thicker than a brick, packed with details, names, and places that screamed bad news. “Here’s everything you need to know. These spirits are dangerous—more so than anything you’ve faced before. They’ve escaped from one of Heaven’s most secure facilities, and they’re not going to go down without a fight.”

I glanced at the folder, flipping through the pages. The deeper I got, the more my expression shifted from “this is fine” to “this is definitely not fine.” “And you’re sure we’re the best team for this?” I asked, because, hey, a little reassurance never hurts when you’re about to tackle a mission that could go horribly wrong.

Sera’s eyes narrowed. “You and Alastor are uniquely qualified for this mission. You’re both powerful, experienced, and, most importantly, you have a knack for getting out of sticky situations.”

Alastor grinned as he thumbed through the details. “Ghosts, danger, and a chance to show off? Sounds like my kind of mission.”

“Just remember,” Sera’s voice dropped a few degrees, “these spirits will do anything to survive. They’ll possess anyone, twist them into something unrecognizable. The only way to stop them is to destroy the host.”

The room went dead quiet. No one needed to say it—this was going to be ugly. But, as usual, it was our job to step up when things got messy.

I gave a firm nod, trying to channel some of that calm, collected leader energy. “We’ll get it done.”

“Good,” Sera replied, her gaze hardening into something that could cut steel. “I’ll be monitoring your progress. Don’t let me down.”

And just like that, we were dismissed. As we left her office, Alastor clutched the folder like it was a golden ticket—except this ticket was more like a one-way pass to Dangerville.

Back in Hell, with its familiar heat and sulfur scent, the weight of the mission settled over us. But there was also this thrill—a spark that said, This is what we do. Facing the impossible? Check. Surviving against the odds? Double check.

“Ready for some ghost-busting?” I asked, trying to keep things light as we stepped through the portal.

Alastor’s grin was pure mischief. “Born ready.”

And with that, we were off—another adventure, another impossible challenge. But hey, when have we ever backed down from those?



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