Chp 3. Can't hold back any longer~

370 8 24

~Time skip brought to you by vox TV~

Lucifer's POV:

Lucifer collapsed onto his bed, face buried in his pillow, thinking about... well, you know who. Alastor. Of course, it was Alastor. And no, he wasn't thinking about him because he was angry. Well, maybe a little. How could Alastor act like everything was totally normal after what happened in the kitchen? He left Lucifer there, the King of Hell, sitting on the counter, shirt half-off, like it was just another Tuesday. Did he really do it just to mess with him? And how in all the underworld did he manage to act like nothing happened?

Seriously, do demons have zero shame, or was it just him?

Lucifer's hand drifted up to the marks Alastor left on his neck. Sure, he could heal them in an instant, but he hadn't. Why? Because he didn't want to. Don't judge him! It's not every day you get marked by a guy like that. Ugh.

He flopped onto his back, staring at the ceiling, his mind racing. He was supposed to be the King of Hell-the embodiment of power, terror, and all that jazz. But now? Now, he was lying there, thinking about how hot Alastor was. The way he walked, the way he talked, the way he... okay, too far. He shook his head, his face heating up with an unexpected blush.

"Why is he so... ugh," Lucifer groaned into his pillow, his voice muffled. The thought of those sharp, teasing remarks, the way Alastor could be so sarcastic yet somehow so... charming, was driving him insane. Lucifer wasn't used to feeling like this. Especially not about someone like Alastor.

And then it hit him-he had completely forgotten about giving Alastor his nightly dose of blood! With a jolt, Lucifer bolted upright and sprinted to the door, practically flying down the hallway to Alastor's room. He stopped just before knocking, suddenly nervous. Why was he nervous? This was ridiculous. Clearing his throat, he knocked firmly.

"Who is it?" came that unmistakable radio-tinged voice from the other side.

Lucifer cleared his throat again. "Your blood donor, who else?"

He heard footsteps approach the door, and when it opened-oh, no. Alastor was shirtless. Why? Of course, he had to be shirtless.

Alastor's POV:

Alastor opened the door, his usual grin fixed in place, only to find the flustered King of Hell standing there. Lucifer's eyes widened for a split second, before he quickly averted his gaze, finding sudden interest in the floor. A slight blush dusted his cheeks as he stared determinedly at his shoes.

"Are you planning to just stand there, or...?" Alastor asked, raising a brow.

"No! I'm-I'm coming in," Lucifer stammered, practically tripping over his own feet as he hurried into the room.

Alastor couldn't help but smirk, closing the door behind him. "So... why exactly are you here?"

Lucifer was staring at the bandages wrapped loosely around Alastor's stomach. Then his gaze flicked back up to meet Alastor's eyes. "Idiot," Lucifer muttered, grabbing Alastor by the arm and pulling him to sit on the bed.

"Wha-what the hell are you doing?" Alastor asked, but Lucifer was already grabbing fresh bandages and unwrapping the old ones with a determination that made Alastor blink.

"Fixing your bandages properly," Lucifer huffed. "The way you did it was messy, and they're about to come undone. Your shirt's going to end up bloodier than it is right now."

Alastor just sat there, a little bemused, as Lucifer wrapped the bandages around his stomach with surprising precision.

"There," Lucifer said finally, stepping back and crossing his arms. "Done."

Alastor looked down. The bandages were now perfectly neat and secure. He raised an eyebrow. "Impressive," he admitted. But there was still one thing bothering him. "You still didn't tell me why you're here."

"Oh! Right!" Lucifer suddenly seemed to remember. He walked over, then, in a swift motion, sat himself on Alastor's lap. "To give you your blood. Duh," Lucifer said, his hands sliding around Alastor's neck, leaning in so their faces were mere inches apart.

Alastor's heartbeat quickened. "Lucifer... if you don't get off me, I might not be able to hold back," he warned, his voice low.

Lucifer's lips curled into a teasing smile. "Do whatever you want. Kiss me? Have sex? Whatever." He shifted slightly on Alastor's lap, a playful challenge in his eyes.

Alastor's gaze darkened. "Are you sure?"


"...Fuck it."

In a heartbeat, Alastor grabbed Lucifer by the waist, pinning him down on the bed and crashing his lips against the king's. Lucifer kissed back with equal hunger, both of them losing themselves in the moment, eyes dark with lust. Alastor pulled away just enough to whisper in Lucifer's ear, "I'm extremely rough. You sure you can handle it?"

Lucifer, breathless and flushed, smirked. "More than anything."

And that was all the permission Alastor needed.


AN: Im so sorry I didn't get to post! (Family drama). I'll post more today. Pls support me.Also this isn't not the end of sexy time~

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