Chapter 3

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Thomas and Harry arrived at the hotel. The hotel was an unassuming establishment nestled in the heart of Brooklyn, New York. The exterior was a modest brick building with a black and white sign hanging above the entrance that read the Hotel's name and the interior was a simple but cosy space. The lobby was sparsely decorated with a few chairs dotting the area, and a front desk sat opposite a set of stairs leading to the second floor. As you stepped through the doors, the faint scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air.

Thomas looked around and placed Harry's bag down by the front desk.
"You want me to come with you to your room or will you be okay?" Thomas asked.
"I think I'll find my way..." Harry said, glad that Thomas was finally leaving.
Thomas nodded. "Alright, we'll meet tomorrow morning in the office. Detective Lockwood should be there, hopefully."
"Who's in charge of this whole investigation?" Harry asked. "You're the Homicide Department, why are you guys even involved?"
Thomas chuckled. "A good question indeed. Everything will be answered tomorrow. Get some rest... If you can." Thomas said and walked out of the hotel.
What did Thomas mean by 'If you can?' Harry thought.

Harry picked up his suit case in checked into his hotel room. He climbed the stairs up, the elevator being out of order. Once he reached his floor he walked down the hallway past the other rooms until he found his. He opened the door and was greeted with the soft light illuminated the comfortable space. The walls were a light shade of blue, creating a calm and soothing atmosphere. A queen-sized bed dressed in crisp, white linens dominated the center of the room, accompanied by two nightstands on each side. Opposite the bed was a small writing desk, complete with a chair and desk lamp. To the left of the bed, a large oak armoire provided plenty of storage space. A large window adorned the wall to the right of the bed, allowing natural light to pour into the room.

Harry placed his bag down and sat on the bed. That's when everything started going wrong. The springs in the bed felt a bit odd. Like there were a few loose or even missing. Harry walked to the bathroom too see how bad things would be...
The bathroom was a small, cramped space that reeked of must and dampness. The white, porcelain sink was stained with various marks and rust stains, and the cold water in the faucet sputtered out in a slow trickle. The toilet was equally uninviting, with the seat cracked and the bowl yellowed with age. A thin, stained curtain hung over the shower, and the once-white tiles on the floor were now a dirty beige. The air was thick and stifling, and the sense of neglect was palpable.
"It's fine .. it will only be for a week.. or two.." Harry
thought to himself.

Harry started to settle in, not taking the chance to pack his clothes in the cupboard, in fear that it might get dirty and instead kept it in his bag. He took off his shirt leaving just his vest and shorts. He settled underneath the covers of the bed, the mattress creaking underneath his weight. He sighed, staring up at the ceiling. Tomorrow was another day and he needed to be on his best behaviour, yet he couldn't fall asleep.

His intrusive thoughts won and he stood up, getting dressed again before heading out. He walked along the streets, looking at the scenery. The city wasn't quiet at night, in fact it looked more lively. True so stores were closed but many bars and restaurants were still open. Harry thought about going to a bar, to get the feel for the place, maybe even experiment with the beer to compare it to Norway's.
'One beer won't do harm.' He told himself. He entered the bar and walked over to the counter.

"I'll have a glass of whatever's popular here in New York." Harry said.
"That'll be Guinness." The bartender said. He looked young, a mop of blond hair covering his head. Acne was spread across his cheeks and he scratched at it as he took orders. He grabbed a glass and beer can, pouring Harry a drink. A loud roar of laughter came from behind Harry, causing him to turn.

Over at one booth, a tall, lean guy was shaking shorter his friend as they laughed. The tall guy looked very similar to the one Harry had seen on the photo.
'Westwood? Oakwood? Something-wood...' Harry remembered but couldn't place it. The bartender placed Harry's glass in front of him and looked up at the two laughing men.
"Tsk, that guy again. Once he's drunk, everyone's his friend. But sober? Man, he's scary." The bartender said and walked off to take another order. Harry assumed the bartender was talking about the tall guy. Maybe it was time he introduced himself.

Harry made his way across the bar and stood in front of the two men.
"I couldn't help but hear you guys howling with laughter. What's got you two in such a good mood?" Harry asked.
The tall guy looked up, a weak grin spreading across his face. "I was telling my friend... Shit what's your name again? Ahhh it doesn't matter! I was telling him what a good game last night was." The tall man said.
The shorter man just nodded, taking a sip of his beer.
"The Lakers and Knicks game?" Harry asked.
The talk man nodded. "Yes sir... Say, you don't sound like you're from around here. Is that a German accent?"
"Norwegian actually." Harry corrected him.
"Right... Norwegian. They all sound the same when you're a bit drunk." The man said laughing.
"I swear I've seen you somewhere before. Have we met?" Harry asked.
"I don't think so. I'd definitely remember a Norwegian. But I'm William Lockwood." The man said holding his hand out.
Harry took it. "Harry Hole."
"Close enough." Harry said and sighed.

"Say, what's a Norwegian doing here in New York?" William asked.
"I'm starting to ask that question as well." Harry said putting his full glass down.
"You gonna drink that?" William asked.
Harry shook his head, pushing his glass to William. William smiled and accepted the glass, drinking it noisily.
"Thank you, my foreign friend. I'll repay you one day, if we meet again."
Harry nodded. "I'm sure we'll meet again. But for now, I must go. Big day ahead of me tomorrow."
"Oh, right right. Good Night Mister Hollie." William said.
Harry walked out of the bar, straight back to the hotel to finally get his much needed rest.

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