Chapter 29

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After getting the information he could from the men at the table, Harry made his way out of the house. He had more to go on now, but he still didn't know where to find the Doc.

Thinking back on the bald guy's warning, a chill went down his spine. This "Doc" was dangerous, and potentially lethal. But Harry was more determined than ever to find him.

As Harry walked back towards the precinct, his mind was racing with all the information he had gathered. But now, another problem pressed on his mind: how was he going to explain his absence to Thomas?

He knew his partner wouldn't be happy if he found out that Harry had gone on a solo mission. But Harry also knew he couldn't just hide the truth forever.

Harry reached the back entrance of the precinct and paused. He was still debating what to do.

Finally, he took a deep breath and entered, steeling himself for the potentially awkward conversation he was about to have.

As Harry walked into the bullpen, he saw Thomas sitting at their shared desk, looking through some files. Thomas looked up as he noticed Harry's return.

"Where have you been?" he asked, his tone suspicious.

Harry shrugged nonchalantly, trying to act casual. "Just taking a walk, clearing my head. You know how it is."

Thomas looked at him skeptically, not seeming convinced. "A walk? Really?" He leaned back in his chair. "You're not trying to keep something from me, are you, Harry?"

Harry avoided eye contact, pretending to look over some paperwork. "Why would I keep something from you?" He tried to sound innocent, but there was a slight twinge of guilt in his voice.

Thomas narrowed his eyes, not buying Harry's act. "You've been acting strange lately," he said bluntly. "And you've been sneaking off more and more. Just tell me what's going on, and don't give me any more bullshit about taking a walk."

Harry sighed, realizing he wouldn't be able to keep the truth from Thomas any longer. "Alright, alright. I wasn't just taking a walk, ok? I went to check something out on my own."

Thomas looked at him expectantly, waiting for an explanation. "What exactly did you check out?" he asked, crossing his arms.

Harry looked around to make sure no one was listening in on their conversation. He lowered his voice before speaking.

"I went to a place where some drug dealers had been arrested. I was...trying to find out some information about a doctor."

Thomas's expression turned from skepticism to surprise. "A doctor? What kind of doctor?" he asked, leaning forward slightly.

Harry glanced around again before answering, his voice low. "A rogue doctor. Named 'The Doc'. He used to work at The Brooklyn Hospital Center until he was fired for experimenting on patients without their consent."

Thomas's expression darkened as he absorbed this information. "Experimenting on patients...without consent...that's messed up." He paused, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "But what does this have to do with our case?"

Harry shifted uneasily in his seat, knowing this part would be trickier to explain. "Well, the thing is, I think this Doc might be connected to our dead guy, Johnathan."

Thomas raised his eyebrows. "Connected how?" he asked, his tone a mix of curiosity and caution.

Harry leaned closer, keeping his voice low. "I got a tip from some drug dealers I talked to. A guy who got arrested in a recent bust was carrying Syflocyl on him. I located the place where the bust happened and tried to look for more clues."

Thomas nodded, taking in all the information.
"You think this 'Doc' might be involved in selling that?" he asked, his mind already trying to piece together the puzzle.

Harry nodded. "It makes sense, doesn't it? This 'Doc' has a background in medicine, and he got fired from his job for experimenting. Maybe he's using his knowledge to create something...illegal."

Thomas looked thoughtful. "That's a good theory, but we don't have enough evidence to prove it yet. We'll need to find more information about this 'Doc' and see if he really is connected to the drug trade."

"I have an idea," Harry said, suddenly having a revelation. "We should check The Brooklyn Hospital Center. The Doc used to work there. Maybe they have information about him, or at least clues about what he's up to."

Thomas nodded, approving the idea. "That's a good start. We can talk to some of the staff at The Brooklyn Hospital Center see what they know. It's a long shot, but worth a try."

Thomas glanced at the clock on the wall, realizing the day was almost over. "It's getting late," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "How about we head to hospital first thing tomorrow morning?"

"Alright," Harry agreed, stretching his arms. "Let's call it a night, then. We'll start fresh tomorrow and see what we can find out at the hospital."

The drive home was filled with a mix of tension and anticipation. Both Harry and Thomas were deep in thought, silently contemplating the information they had gathered and the leads they had yet to follow.

The city streets passed by in a blur as they drove, the neon lights and shadows playing across their tired faces.

As they pulled into the driveway of the apartments, Thomas broke the silence. "You know, you really should've told me about your little solo adventure," he chastised, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

Harry grimaced, feeling a pang of guilt. "I know. I should've. But I didn't want to drag you into something without having more information first."

Thomas sighed, reaching for the car door handle. "Look, Harry, we're partners. That means we work together. You can't just go off on your own and keep secrets from me."

Harry nodded, understanding the importance of trust in their partnership. "You're right," he admitted. "I should've been more upfront with you. I won't keep secrets like that again, I promise."

Thomas gave Harry a hard look, sizing up his friend. "You better not," he said gruffly. "We gotta have each other's backs out there. We're a team, remember?"

Harry smiled weakly, appreciating the concern in Thomas's tone. "Yeah, I know. And I'll do better, I swear. No more lone wolf act for me, partner."

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