Chapter 32

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The three of them sat around the small table in Thomas' kitchen. Harry and Thomas changed into their clothes for the day and made coffee. Flint declined the offer, saying he doesn't put his lips on a cup of instant coffee.

Flint cleared his throat, indicating that he was ready to begin. Thomas had given Harry the background, earning a raised eyebrow from him. Thomas had also gone behind his back, so why did Thomas act like a hypocrite against him?

Thomas sensed that once Flint left, there would be another more serious talk.

"It was the Russian mob," Flint started, "They're trying to start a turf war here, cause mayhem and chaos. Wouldn't be surprised if they set the fire to send me a message. Show me they're not playin' around."

Thomas's mind immediately started racing. If what Flint was saying was true, they were dealing with a much bigger problem than just another drug dealer. The Russian mob involved meant serious trouble.

"You've had previous dealings with these guys, haven't you?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

Flint grunted, confirming Thomas's suspicion. "Aye, I have. They've been trying to move in on my territory for a while now. But I've been keeping 'em at bay. This fire, it's an escalation. They're trying to see what I'm gonna do, how I'm gonna react."

Thomas felt a tinge of sympathy for Flint, despite the man's shady dealings. He could see the worry on his face, the tension in his shoulders. He hated to admit it, but he understood Flint's predicament.

"So what now?" Harry asked, looking at Flint. "You gonna let these mobsters run you out of business?"

Flint let out a bitter laugh. "Like hell I will. I ain't lettin' some foreigners run me out of my own city. No offence to you, Norwegian. I'm gonna handle these Russians, and make 'em regret ever crossin' me."

Thomas could feel the intensity in Flint's eyes, the determination in his voice. It was clear to him that Flint was capable of some dark, ruthless things when pushed into a corner. And if he was going to be going up against the Russian mob, he'd need all the ruthlessness he could get.

Thomas tried to hide his own discomfort as he spoke. "You know we could help you, Flint," he said, even though the idea of working with a man like Flint made him uneasy. Harry looked at Thomas, wondering what the hell he was doing.

Flint smirked, amused by the offer. "Help me? You and your police friends?" he asked mockingly. "No offense, cop, but I don't think you'd stand a chance against the Russians. They play by a different rulebook. You gotta be willing to get your hands a little dirty."

Thomas explained the whole story about how it would be bad for Brooklyn if the Russian Mafia were in charge, more drugs, more deaths, more violence. They would be out if control and ruthless. The gangsters like Flint knew their place on the hierarchy, sure they did some illegal stuff, but there were also a few lines Flint refused to cross. With the Russians, it's unpredictable.

Flint listened to Thomas's words, his expression hardening as he considered the implications. Thomas could see the gears turning in the gangster's mind, weighing the pros and cons.

Finally, he spoke, a hint of begrudging respect in his voice. "You've got a point, cop. Can't have these Russian bastards runnin' wild in Brooklyn. It'd be chaotic, like you said..."

"So let's work together to prevent this," Thomas said, the words sounding foreign even to him.

Flint nodded slowly, his mind made up. "Alright," he said, a dangerous edge to his voice. "Maybe working together isn't such a bad idea after all. The Russians have been a pain in my ass for too long. If you've got a plan, I'm listenin'. But let's be clear - I'm in charge here. You play by my rules, got it?"

Thomas was well aware this was a dangerous proposition. Making a deal with a criminal like Flint could lead to serious consequences.

He thought about Harry, wondering what he was thinking. In the end, he had little choice. The safety of Brooklyn's citizens was more important than his own personal concerns.

"Fine," Thomas said after a tense silence. "But I've got two conditions. First, no unnecessary violence or harm to innocents. Second, you'll share everything you know about the Russian mob. No secrets. Got it?"

Flint's eyes narrowed, but he agreed, albeit reluctantly. "Fine. I can work with that. No unnecessary violence and I'll spill all I know. But you better hold up your end of the deal too, or we're gonna have a big problem. Clear?"

"I've got a request too," Harry added, keeping his voice firm. "While me and Thomas will search more into the Russian Mafia and try to get them back to their country, I need some help about the Syflocyl case I'm dealing with."

Flint rolled his eyes, clearly not pleased with the extra task. Still, he begrudgingly agreed. "Alright. What do you wanna know?"

Harry took a deep breath, knowing the next part of the conversation would not be easy. He explained the situation about the Doc to Flint.

Flint's jaw tensed as Harry spoke, his eyes narrowing in thought. "The Doc, huh? That old bastard's still around?"

Flint chuckled humorlessly, shaking his head. "Yeah, I've had a couple run-ins with Doc over the years. A nasty bastard, that one. Keeps to himself, operates under the radar. But... well, he has a habit of helping out those willing to pay his prices, if you know what I mean."

Thomas nodded thoughtfully. From what Flint was saying, the Doc seemed like a man who valued loyalty and payment more than traditional morals. If he wanted any information from this man, he would have to be careful how he approached the situation.

"Any idea how I can get in touch with him?" he asked Flint, keeping his tone even.

Flint thought for a moment before responding. "He's a private guy, doesn't like people sniffing around his business. But... there's a way to get his attention. Give me some time, I'll see what I can do."

Thomas nodded, knowing he couldn't push Flint for more at the moment. "Okay. You do that. Let me know as soon as you've got something."

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