Chapter 19

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Harry followed Johnathan outside, the cold night air hitting them as the door closed behind them, muffling the noises from inside. They both stood in front of the bar, the dim light coming from the windows and the neon sign above the door providing the only illumination.

Harry broke the silence, his voice calm yet firm. "I heard you know Lucas," he started, looking straight at Johnathan. "I need to ask you some questions."

Johnathan's scowl deepened, his eyes narrowing. "What's it to you?" he asked, his voice rough and hostile. "Why do you wanna know about Lucas? Got nothing better to do, huh?"

Harry decided to play it cool, keeping his calm even in the face of Johnathan's hostility. "Just looking into a case," he replied, his voice a low rumble. "And Lucas is one of the victims of a drug called Syflocyl. Thought you might be able to shed some light on it."

Johnathan took a step closer, his fists clenching slightly. "The hell do you mean, 'looking into a case'? You a cop or something?" he demanded, suspicion in his voice. "Cops always coming around here trying to make trouble."

Harry, well-versed in the art of negotiation, maintained his composure. The tension between him and Johnathan was palpable, the air thick with unspoken threats and intimidation.

"I'm a detective," Harry responded, his voice maintaining a cool calmness. "And I'm not here to cause any trouble. Just looking for information on Lucas and his involvement with Syflocyl."

Johnathan chuckled bitterly, shaking his head. "Detective, huh? Well, you sure have a funny way of showing it." He took another step closer, his body tense, ready for potential confrontation.

Harry stood his ground, not letting Johnathan's aggressive stance deter his line of questioning. "Look," he said, his tone firm yet respectful, "I'm sure you know a lot more than you're letting on. You can either help me willingly, or I'll have to bring you in for questioning. Your choice."

Johnathan let out a sharp laugh, the sound filled with mockery. "You can't touch me, Detective. And even if you could, you don't scare me."

Harry's patience, which could wear thin if pushed too far, was starting to fray. "Don't push it, John..." he warned, his voice firm, yet measured. "You might think you're untouchable, but everyone slips up eventually. Now tell me what you know about Lucas and Syflocyl, or we'll do this the hard way."

The tension between them was palpable; any sudden movement could spark into a full-blown fight.

Johnathan took another step, his body hovering over Harry. His voice was almost a growl. "I've had enough of your bullshit, Detective, " he snarled, his words laced with a menacing edge. "You'd better back off before I give you a lesson you won't forget."

The threat was clear, and Harry could feel the tension in the air rising to an unmistakable crescendo. The situation was on the brink of boiling over, yet Harry refused to back down.

Without any warning, Johnathan lunged towards Harry, his fist aimed directly at his face. A tense moment of silence filled the air like a sudden drop in pressure right before a storm.

Harry, who had been ready for an attack, sidestepped deftly, avoiding Johnathan's punch. Without missing a beat, he struck back, his fist meeting Johnathan's side with a sharp thud. The blow, well-placed and delivered with practiced finesse, elicited a grunt of pain from Johnathan.

The fight had begun, the sounds of fists meeting flesh, bodies colliding, and grunts of effort filling the night air around the bar.

The intensity of the fight escalated rapidly, neither man holding back. The alley they were in provided little space for manouvering, the proximity forcing the fight to be a close-quarters brawl.

Harry aimed a punch at Johnathan's midsection, connecting with a solid strike. But before he could pull back, Johnathan retaliated, managing to land a knee strike to Harry's stomach, causing him to momentarily double over in pain.

Just when it seemed the tide was turning, Johnathan managed to land a particularly powerful punch directly into Harry's ribs, an audible crack echoing in the alley. The impact sent a wave of agony coursing through Harry's body, his vision flickering momentarily. Yet, the pain fuelled his determination, his resolve strengthened by the adrenaline rushing through his veins.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Harry launched himself back into the fray, his fists flying with renewed vigour.

The fight raged on, both men grappling for an upper hand, their movements a blur of fists and body blows. Harry's vision began to blur, his body starting to feel the cumulative effects of the fight. A few more well-placed punches from Johnathan sent Harry crashing into the side of the bar, the cold brick wall jarring him momentarily. This pause was all Johnathan needed to gain the advantage in the fight, his fists raining a relentless stream of blows upon Harry.

"That's enough." A stern voice called out, causing both men to freeze instantly.

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