Chapter 2

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Y/N's P.O.V

Have you ever thought why children's happiness is so contagious?

For they don't measure their blessing with others. They are delighted  because they are living, they are themselves, and they have their people around them; not because they are living more than others, have something better than others or have much more people than others.

Delight comes from contenment, which inturn is a result of feeling self fulfilled. 

"Ma!" And my source of this contagious energy is my little girl. My lips stretch on their volition at her thrilled call.

"Do you need something, sweetheart?" I feign the confusion, knowing well enough that it's water she's excited about. Her hazel bambi eyes narrow and lips purse in distaste at my act.

"Ma!" I mask my contours to control the bubbling laugh at her sulky features. She has palms planted infront of her, eyes not leaving mine and as much as she's trying to be intimidating,  my baby is looking more adorable than ever.

We have finally settled inside our new apartment, mom came and helped because with Voni around, I - not so surprisingly- become a mess. It's been two days, since our encounter with Taehyung and not a day when my baby didn't ask about him. Same goes for you. That's not true.  And finally it's the day I am going for interview. let's hope I get it.

"Ma." My eyes widen at her brimming ones, hands immediately picking her up in my arms, her face snuggling into my neck as she sniffs softly.

"Aww baby, I was just messing with you. We are going to take a bath, see I even prepared scented water for you with your favorite ducky." Caressing her back, I move towards the bathroom.

Unfortunately, I haven't found a baby sitter yet and mom had prior commitments so even though I don't feel good taking her with me, I have no other choice left than to bring her along with me. I just hope they will be fine with it.

"Voni!" Pulling her away , I scoff at her giggling figure. Ofcourse, she was faking it. Shaking my head, I let her go this time. Who am I even kidding, I don't have a heart to be mad at my little bean.


"Don't act innocent, little lady. It's not good to trick people." I ignore her shining eyes, knowing she's trying to coerse me into her innocent act, and settle down beside the bathtub.

"Ma- ma" My heart melts, cheeks pulling into a wide smile when she places sloppy kisses on my left cheek.

"Okay okay, I get it. I am not mad." Although I wasn't, but it's better she doesn't know.

"Ma!" She yelps with excitement as soon as her small body submerge in pink water, her hand instantly finding her ducky.

"Doc!" I gasp when she dips the poor duck in water, her giggles echoing in the bathroom.

"Baby, we don't do this." I am afraid the way she's ducking the poor duck, she's won't be stay with us for too long.

"No!" Shaking my head, I let her. It's good we are alone or else people might not have taken action with light heart. Grabbing her strawberry scented babygel, I start cleaning my excited baby.

"Who's mumma's favorite human in the world?"

"Me!" I laugh at her gummy smile, suddenly missing the person whom she shares this with. No matter how times I witness her twinkiling eyes, grinning face, and her little forefinger pointed towards her chest, I never get tired of her response.

"Let's get's your tummy full?"

"Fu?" I halt at her curious gaze, heart melting at her adorable being. She's still learning to pronounce big words and untill then she settled on first few words.

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