Chapter Seven

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Hello again! New chapter!

As you may or may not have noticed, I'm trying to update this story every Sunday. I'm pretty sure I can keep this up for a long while (probably until the end of the story), so now I finally have some sort of updating schedule so you know when to expect a new chapter.

Now then, chapter seven!



Chapter Seven

I can hardly concentrate on work today because of what I found this morning.

I took them with me. The pictures, including the envelope with our names on it, are in my bag, which is right next to my desk, just in my line of sight. I don't know if that was a very good idea of mine – I keep turning my head to look at it.

The whole thing keeps nagging, the thoughts about them keep coming back, swarming my head like annoying bees that just won't give up. The whole thing clouds my brain and keeps me from focusing on things for a longer period of time. It's annoying and very frustrating.

I just need answers.

When I finally take a lunch break, I can't hold back anymore and very carefully, I take out the envelope. In the safety of my office, I take out the pictures one by one and neatly lay them out on my desk. As I stare at them, my mind feels empty. I just sit there, frozen, not knowing how to react or how to handle all of this, not knowing even if I should react, not knowing if this is just some practical joke or if this is something real.

I know I don't want it to be real. I want it to be a prank so bad. I want someone behind this that I can shout at. Someone who didn't mean to do any harm, someone with whom I can make up and then move on.

But I can just feel it's real. No one I know would pull a prank this disturbing and creepy. I know some people who would make a lot of effort to set up a prank as elaborate as this, but no one I know would even think of doing something like this to a friend.

Sighing, I stand up and collect all the pictures, making sure they're in the same order as they were when I first took them out of the envelope.

It still bothers me – I feel like I should do something about it. Not necessarily get answers, but at least try to do something. At least put some effort in it to attempt to find out who it is. There's not much I can do with just these pictures – a call or a text might've given me something to work with, but since it's an envelope, I don't have a signal to trace.

I decide to grab some things from the lab so I can look for fingerprints.

On my way to and from the lab, I mentally make a list of all the people I've ever met who are capable of doing something like this. I do get a few 'hi's from agents and co-workers, which keeps me grounded – hearing them and making myself reply continuously breaks my train of thoughts and to be honest, I don't mind it all that much.

After I close the door of my office behind me, I lock it to make sure no one'll bother me.

It takes me quite a while to dust all the pictures and the envelope. While I do so, I also get a good look at all the pictures. All the small details, the people in the background and everything else. Now, I can scan them all closely for surfaces that can give off reflections – when I did it this morning, I was looking for them in a frenzy and I only had a couple of minutes to do so. Panic is never good when doing anything at all.

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