Chapter Eight

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Hi guys! How are you all doing?

Lots of drama in the fandom lately, don't you think? Do you all believe the rumour Louis is going to be a dad?

I hope you'll like this chapter :)



Chapter Eight

 It's Friday.

It's almost weekend and I'm really glad it is. I still have one day of work to go, but I'm pretty sure I can bear that for another few hours – my job is not that bad.

This morning wasn't fun, with me having that really fun thing called morning sickness again. Getting up early is not a plus, either, but that's... you know, something standard and obligatory. Morning sickness, however, is something I'm not quite used to and something I really don't want to get used to.

Anyways, today it's my turn to take Ruby to school. Also because Louis doesn't have to be at work until twelve o'clock and he needs his sleep, but that's just a secondary reason.

He tried to get me to stay in bed as long as I could, that I should be taking it slow, but I kept insisting I should just do it because I had to get up early anyway. He eventually gave in.

"Are you going to do anything fun today at school?"

"Ryan and Evie and me are making a big drawing together."

As I park the car near the school, I briefly glance at her via the rearview mirror "What of?"

She smiles at me. "It's a surprise. You have to wait until it's finished."

"Now I'm curious!"

We walk towards the school together. Even after a night of sleep, the pictures are still in my mind and I can't help but look around the environment every once in a while – just to check if there's someone watching us, someone who could be photographing us.

Fortunately, I can't find anyone.

Ruby and I continue talking until we get to the school's entrance and she sees Ryan. After she waves at him, she turns back to me and starts saying goodbye. Laughing, I kiss her forehead and then her cheek, saying goodbye as well.

As she runs towards Ryan and they start enthusiastically talk to each other, I sigh and then turn my back to the entrance. After another quick scan of the surroundings, I still can't see anything suspicious, and even though I know I can never be really sure, I confidently head back to the car.

Jenny approaches me as I walk down the steps. I look aside at her when she greets me and I smile. "Hi!" I greet her as well.

"How've you been?" she asks me before I can ask her the same.

"I'm good," I tell her, still smiling. "How about you?"

"Oh, we're all good," she replies. "I just wanted to ask you about Wednesday. Heard you were going to the doctor's and I just wanted to make sure you're all doing okay."

I quickly nod to reassure her. I feel like I can tell her what it's about – she's been a friend of ours for quite some time and I can trust her. I'm pretty sure she won't tell the press anything. "You can't tell anyone yet, okay?"

"Tell anyone what?"

"I'm pregnant."

Jenny holds a hand to her mouth, but I can still hear her brief, excited squeal. "Seriously?!"

I nod, smiling brightly. "Seriously."

"Oh my God, that is so amazing! Congrats!" she shouts, surprising me with a hug. Laughing, I pat her back. "Sorry," she says when she lets go. "I just get really excited about this stuff."

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