Cp.3 | Day 003

42 12 0

Dear moon,

Damn it! I've been caught!

It's all happened on the river when my kind master, Atsushi, accidently saved some chestnut tree life! See! Atsushi's kindness is sometimes misfortunes, either to me or himself to both of us.

Well, the good thing is, after he saved that of the waste of bandage person, he treated Atsushi to eat Chazuke! He offered up to thirty bowls or more.

Honestly, I was really grateful for that offer, but hearing that the money did not come from him but from his other acquaintance that had a long ponytail in blond color, four eyes, and had a green book on his hand, I knew this was going to end badly. I mean, I started to notice that this bandage man presented quite a threat and did not bring any good for my master and me (except Chazuke's offer earlier).

Then, after eating 10 bowls of Chazuke, my master felt so full and even said that he doesn't even want to see or eat Chazuke for 10 years! I know he can be silly sometimes. But that's cute. My silly master is cute. I like that side of him. It's covering up his tragic life scar.

It's been quite a long time since I feel my master so happy and energetic. Thanks to that 10 bowls of Chazuke, at least I don't need to eat my master limbs when I can't find any food, and I decided to possess his mind in his human form. What?! I told you I didn't mind hurting my precious master a little, if that's meant to keep him alive.

Of course I regenerate him asap. That's why I only took a bite of his limbs when I was in his human form. To cover up a little starving belly in his human form. Imagine if I took a bite of him, but in my tiger form?! He might bleed to die.

And... I don't want to bit myself either, so I would rather possess my master body and let him eat himself a bit and regenerate right away before his consciousness return. Hey, I'm not stupid, ok. Of course I'm not, because I bite carefully and do not leave any dirt of blood. That's the reason why we wandered around the river.

Now, back to the topic of right after my master eats 10 bowls of Chazuke. That bandage man and his friend start interrogating my master. That four eyes pin my master down on the floor because he tried to run away when he heard about a white tiger thing from these two adults. That blonde man holding Atsushi hand behind him, and press Atsushi's head to the floor. How dare him!

I really wish you (the moon) were to appear at the restaurant that time so I can transform right away to eat these two idiot clowns. But what I didn't expect to hear is that...

My master hates me... Yes. HE. HATES. ME! And not only terrified, but also hate me, as much as he hates himself. Ugh, this is all that's the bandage man's fault for asking weird questions and talking about how to catch the tiger that appeared two weeks ago in their city and attacked last night. Damn, they're talking about me! And plan to use my master as bait to lead me!

Which is good! I've decided I'm going to eat that bandage man alive once I see you (the moon) tonight. He brought my master to the warehouse in order to catch me. I will split his head and eat to my heart content. Who told him to mess with me and my master!



🖋️ P/s: Listen, in case you forgot, I told you that all of these are in Byakko monologue form as his diary. He kept talking to the moon even when it was a bright day.

The logic here is that in daylight you can't see the moon, but you actually knew that it was still right up there. Just like the logic of wind: you can't see wind, but you can feel its existence of blowing. I'm not talking about storms! If that is the case, then the match will be full moon! Both existences only appeared at a specific time.

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