Chapter 14

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The tide has risen and fallen several times, and the time has passed for about half a day, or even a day.

The wind on the sea is gentle, and animals like the wind in early summer more than the wind in winter.

Of course, Odis had no feeling about this, if he had a choice, he would choose to stay in winter forever.

In his memory, once such a gentle wind blows, it means that the difficulty of catching prey will increase.

But for him, it's easy to do.

Odis licked his paw, and put his other arm on the back of the little polar bear, who was sleeping with his face buried on his chest.

This is the weirdest part of this little bear, who actually likes warmth, whether it's winter or summer.

It's weird.

The current temperature is a bit hot for Otis, especially the chest and belly, which is like holding a small heating stove.

But Otis seemed to ignore the heat, still holding the sleeping bear, enjoying the time to rest after the long journey.

About half an hour later, Qiao Qixi woke up for the second time. He opened his sleepy round eyes, yawned greatly, and then got up and stretched out again.

After kicking his hind legs, I felt that the sore muscles had recovered, and the hair on my body was also fluffy.

Qiao Qixi felt that there should be a scent of the sun on the white and fluffy fur.

In order to confirm this fact, Qiao Qixi rubbed against Odis very scientifically, buried his face in the opponent's fur and sniffed, it really smelled like sunshine.

There is also the unique taste of Odis, which in the heart of Qiao Qixi indicates a sense of security, comfort, and dependence, and it smells very good to him.

Odis also stood up and stretched. They must leave here as soon as possible. If they don't eat for too long, it will affect the state of moving south. The front should not be stretched too long, especially with the bear.

Seeing Odis stepping towards the beach, Qiao Qixi immediately put on his bucket, and at the same time regretted that the hair that had just been dried on his body was getting wet again.

The sleepy little polar bear went down into the sea, immediately cheered up, and closely followed the figure of Odis.

In order to shorten the distance between the island and the island, sometimes they will swim over some reefs, the water is covered with seaweed, looking down from the sky is weird.

With strands of black shadows, marine animals are in danger of being entangled in seaweed, so be especially careful.

Of course Odis would not let the seaweed entangle the bear, he would use his huge figure to open the way in front, or bypass some more dangerous areas, even if the distance could be reduced.

As we all know, there will be some undercurrents and whirlpools in the sea. If you accidentally approach these traps, let alone polar bears, even whales may be in danger.

Generally speaking, polar bears do not have such dangerous areas in their routes, and they will avoid shark-infested areas.

By the way, we have to pick a day.

If you smell strong winds, you won't go into the sea easily.

However, this season, the Arctic Ocean will be relatively calm.

It is a good time to travel.

So being a polar bear is not easy, and being a polar bear with cubs is even more difficult.

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