A Friendly Gesture

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The rhythm of work had settled into a comfortable cadence, with each day of rehearsals building on the last. Elise and Charlize had grown more attuned to one another, both in their scenes and in their professional interactions. The chemistry between their characters, Nam and Raya, was undeniable, but outside of those moments, they remained tethered to their professional distance.

Charlize couldn't shake the nagging thought, though—the idea that there was more to Elise than the cool, composed exterior she showed the world. Every now and then, during rehearsals, Charlize would catch fleeting moments: a small smile, a chuckle quickly suppressed, or a flash of vulnerability in Elise's eyes when they rehearsed particularly emotional scenes. It intrigued her, and it made her want to dig deeper.

She found herself thinking about Elise long after the day's work was done. She was curious—not just about the character Elise played but about the woman behind the role. And yet, despite their growing camaraderie on set, Elise remained an enigma, still guarded and distant when the cameras weren't rolling.

That's when Charlize decided she had to try something different. If she was going to break through Elise's walls, she needed to show her a glimpse of the world outside the set—her world.

It was a Friday evening, and the final rehearsal of the week had gone well. Charlize was in good spirits, chatting animatedly with the director and a few crew members as they wrapped things up. Across the room, Elise was quietly gathering her belongings, as usual, slipping into the background as soon as her work was done.

This was Charlize's chance.

She crossed the room toward Elise, who looked up in mild surprise when Charlize approached.

"P'Elise," Charlize began, her tone casual but with a hint of hopefulness. "A few of us are heading out for drinks tonight. You should come along."

Elise blinked, clearly taken aback by the invitation. It wasn't something she'd been expecting, and for a moment, she hesitated, her guarded instincts kicking in.

"Thanks, but I don't really go out much," Elise replied, her voice polite but firm.

Charlize had anticipated a rejection. Still, she pressed on, undeterred. "Come on, it'll be fun. Nothing too crazy—just a few drinks, some good conversation. Melissa and Harper are coming too. You'll love them."

Elise glanced down at her phone, as if weighing her options, though Charlize could sense the internal battle behind those calm blue eyes. Elise's life was one of meticulous structure—professionalism came first, and everything else was secondary. The idea of stepping into a world outside that realm was foreign to her, even if it was just for a casual evening with her co-stars.

"I appreciate it, really," Elise said, finally meeting Charlize's gaze. "But I've got some work to catch up on."

Charlize hid her disappointment behind a smile. She wasn't surprised by the answer—Elise had always kept a firm line between work and her personal life. But still, there was a part of her that had hoped this small gesture might be the bridge to something more.

"Well, the offer's always open," Charlize said, her tone light but genuine. "If you ever change your mind."

Elise gave her a small nod, a polite smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Thanks. Maybe another time."

That night, Charlize found herself at a cozy, dimly lit bar with Melissa and Harper, the three of them tucked into a booth with drinks in hand. The vibe was laid-back, laughter and the sound of clinking glasses filling the air as they chatted about everything from work to relationships.

"So, what's going on with you and P'Elise?" Harper asked, leaning forward with a playful grin. "You've been spending a lot of time together, haven't you?"

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