Chapter 6

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The gang was about to leave the store when clumsy old Brer Bear bumped into a stool, knocked it down, and shattered a marble gorilla statue on it. 

"Oops" he said awkwardly.

Herman was a little upset at the accident. "That statue was one of a kind. You lot owe me a hundred and eighty pounds."

"Tell me you're joking!" said Jeremy. 

"I'm afraid not."

"But what's dat in bucks?" said Brer Rabbit. 

"If I remember correctly, rabbit... about two hundred and thirty dollars" said Herman.

"I's sorry, Brer Herman" said Brer Bear.

"Brer Herman? I've been called many things, but that's a first" Herman mumbled. 

He took a deep breath. "Anyhow, you're not as sorry as I am. The law states that if you can't afford to pay, you have to stay here and work off your debt."

"But we have to get back to Splash Mountain" said Chad.

"The only other form of payment I'll take is snow tires" said Herman.

"Where am I supposed to get snow tires?" said Jeremy.

"Any tire shop" said Herman. "Or from the garage of the twit who stole mine."

Back at the mountain, Brer Fox found Patty at the Fishing Spot. 

"Howdy, Sis Patty" he said casually. 

"Like hi, Brer Fox. If you're here to ask about the cushion, it's fab. I might even sleep on it; it's so comfy" said Patty.

"Dat's great, hunny, but listen. I thot about ma crush on ya, an' you's prob'ly right" said Brer Fox. "In fact, anodda fox jes' asked me ter hang out."

"Really? Who?" said Patty.

"Her name's Vixxy. She de mos' gawjus fox you'll eva meet" said Brer Fox. "She really sensitive. Both ter feelin's and sunlight. Oo la la!"

"She sure sounds... oo la la" said Patty.

"She is. An' I wants her ter like me. I asked her ter de Be Our Guest rest'rant in Fantasyland" said Brer Fox. "Hee's an idea. Why don't you an' I hang out dare faw practice?"

"I dunno..." said Patty.

"It'll just be faw a bit. An' I'll letcha bring yaw cushion" said Brer Fox.

Patty thought on it. "Well... alright. I do like that place."

Barbecued PattyWhere stories live. Discover now