Chapter 10

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Meantime, Uncle Remus had beaten the others back to the loading area.

"How did he beat us back?" said Jeremy.

"He musta ridden a log" said Brer Rabbit. 

"Let's trip him with Brer Rabbit's transistors" said Chad.

"Good thinking, mate" said Jeremy.

Brer Bear took the earphones. "King Tut Jones has got this."

He threw the earphones at Uncle Remus's feet and the old man tripped over them.

The gang was able to sneak past him, but Brer Bear dropped his graphic novel. 

Uncle Remus noticed the earphones. "Hmm. Somebody lost dare earphones. Le's go find where day came frum."

"No!" Brer Rabbit tried to say.

But Jeremy clapped a hand over his mouth and carried him away. 

Uncle Remus then noticed the graphic novel. "De new King Tut Jones Mummy Detective? Looks like I'll be readin' diss ternight."

"No!" Brer Bear tried to say through Chad's hand. 

The next morning...

"We's really sorry we snuck out" said Brer Rabbit. 

"Really sorry" said Brer Bear.

"And we'll neva do it again" said Brer Rabbit.

"Neva eva" said Brer Bear.

"Well, thank you for saying that" said Chad.

The critters then left the singers alone.

"Yes, they're good critters" said Jeremy. "I'm glad they learned their lesson."

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